大谷社長、TAN様、松脇様いつも世話になっております。今週東京の山本部長と一緒に出張のレポートは転送、情報(特に太原鋼鉄)共有させて頂きます dịch - 大谷社長、TAN様、松脇様いつも世話になっております。今週東京の山本部長と一緒に出張のレポートは転送、情報(特に太原鋼鉄)共有させて頂きます Anh làm thế nào để nói







期間:2015年10月25日 ~28日

目的:①中国ミルとの交流、GO NO 三国間の促進(首都鋼鉄 太原鋼鉄)

②太原鋼鉄(河北省太原市 新幹線(高鉄)で約3時間)
③首都鋼鉄(河北省遷安市 車で3時間)

同行者:J商北京 新津社長 戚部長 JSI 定光社長(五鉱鋼鉄、首都鋼鉄)


中機が硅鋼在線と言う 電磁鋼鈑の情報ネットの記事を見せてくれているが

電磁室: 中国市場の動向を把握、海外CC他への発信をお願いします。

・ヨーロッパと同様 最低価格 数量などを限定することで決着させるのではないか?

・太原鋼鉄がノルマラインを増設(来年完成) NOのハイグレード比率を高めるとの話で
あったが工場を案内してくれたライン管理職曰く NOハイグレード以外にもGOが可能との
ことで内々には将来のGO生産を計画していると思われる。(太原鋼鉄は面談時 GO生産は計画なし


・(J商の中国市場は900万トンとの見方に対し) 中国の電磁業界でも統計を取っているが
→尚のこと 中国はNO供給過剰が言えます。

・中国独自のHOT電磁はほぼ淘汰された。現在 20万ト/年 天津他2社が生産継続


中国では3QのGDPが6.9%と7%を下回り経済減速が伝えられ 先進国の株価にも影響を与えて
いるが北京 太原を訪問して感じられたのは消費水準は底堅いのではとの 印象。
・北京の街は観光客で溢れ ヒルトンホテルも盛況で半分以上が中国人客であった。
・北京では ナンバープレート取得困難の問題がなければ車を買いたいという人も多く
・太原でも環状道路の建設など市街地改造が行われ 高層マンションの建設ラッシュは止まっていない。
太原鋼鉄曰く 市街地区域に高炉を持つ同社は非常に厳しい環境対策を行っているとのこと。
*日本の報道でも中国では供給側(鉄道貨物 鉱工業生産 電力消費)は横ばい、下降気味であるが
4G利用者数 国際線旅客数などは大幅な伸び、自動車販売も9月度は前年比プラスなど消費は


①工場見学 ー 電磁ライン見学
・能力 140万トン タンデム 100万トン(三菱重工 2014/7稼働) ゼンジミア 2基 40万トン
・1934年創業 元々は太原鋼鉄が中国の電磁開発研究の中心であったが50年代に国策で武漢へ
電磁部門の人員の大部分が移動したが以降も独自に開発を続け 1998年にNO40万トンの
・粗鋼能力は1100万トン(高炉3基) ステンレス400万トン(世界最大) 電磁生産(80万トン)
→上場企業名(名刺の会社名も) 太原鋼鉄不銹鋼有限公司となっている
③太原鋼鉄との会話 印象
・品質イメージ、太原と言う場所柄(石炭の街 古い中国の代表) 荒っぽい人が出てくるのかなと
(戚部長曰く 国営中国ミルの中でも非常に真面目で残業や休出もしておられるとの事)
・例えば エンブラコに強い実績があるならばコンプレッサーに特化した強みの材料を

・GO は1-10月 販売量 8万トン (生産量 12万トン)今年の生産量は14万トンと能力(15万トン)
・製造方法は基本 DR狙いで生産し規格外れをHGO CGOに充当
DR70% 0.23の比率 10%
・足元の輸出は月間 数百トン。 来年は輸出が重点課題 目標は月間1000トン
・エンパイ、JSSI向けトライアル BIS取得後のJSIへの供給など依頼。

電磁室: 首都鋼鉄との合作のあり方を海外CC 北京と進めてください。

7.アモルファスコア事業 ー 中機聯供訪問

同社とは2000年台始め頃 五鉱鋼鉄を通じたGOの販売で付き合いあり。
足元はスーパーコアの引き合いもあり 当時の担当であった孫経理とも10年振りの再会、
張総経理は当社とも付き合いの深かった創業メンバーの一人 範氏(交通事故で死去)の部下であり
今回 旧交を温め打ち解けて会話が出来た。

・中国市場は10万トン/年の需要 。アモルファスの配電トランスへの採用では世界最大。
・国家電網の年間 30万台の配電トランスのうち 21万台がアモルファストランス。
平均 200KVA として原単位400kg x21万台=8万トン
・アモルファスコア価格 22,000元 母材 18000元 。
・アモルファスの利点は無負荷損失が低いので、常時使用しない変圧器(工場 農村)などでは
→宝山などGO ミルは国家電網に対しアモルファストランスのネガティヴキャンペーンを行っており
配電トランスの市場獲得を目指し GO VS アモルファスの戦いが繰り広げられている。
・安泰 雲路がアモルファスのメイン供給者。雲路が価格 品質のバランスが良い。
・アモルファス コア入手。(回覧します)
アモルファス成分は大まかに90数%が鉄 ボロン (多い)ケイ素。
・アモルファスの特許は既に切れている。また 中国メーカーは日立とは成分を変えているので

・アモルファスコアの採算ラインは2000ー3000トン/年 4ライン(巻+焼鈍) 在庫ヤードも含め
3000m2 必要。設備価格は300万元程度
→コア加工賃 4000元/トン 500元でも残れば2年で回収??
コアサプライヤーも多く 300ライン(30万トン 需要の3倍)が存在する。
→中機もコアビジネスの先行きを危惧しアモルファスの粉事業(鋼材に吹き付けると耐熱 耐腐食性を
・インドは古くからアモルファス トランスに取り組み 自国のみならずインドネシアや中東、
アメリカの鉄心メーカー(Lake View)が進出しコア製造を行う。

→CCにスペースがあれば建屋の増築は別にして300万元 (6000万円程度)の投資で
・大手ユーザー ABB向けなどへの接触を行い 民需も含めたアモルファストランスの取り組み
・中機は現在 韓国のトレーダー(大同出身のアモルファスの専門家の台湾人が関わっている)を
まずはコア販売から始め研究して行きたい 当社の強みはCCと言う製造販売基盤があること

電磁室: 引き続きアモルファスコアビジネスの取り組みをお願いします。

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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Otani, President of TAN as well as round】○matsuwakii (Tokyo)Always take care....Transfer trip report with Yamamoto Manager of Tokyo earlier this week, we will share the information (especially Taiyuan iron & steel).As you know, JFE steel is very sensitive about the three kingdoms between JFE Shoji trade go,And also-so to speak, GO and Kong. Please note regarding the treatment of areas so to sort the information.Taiyuan steel orders of the following information as your situation, Tan's e-mail also and the intense price competition,Poor Viet Nam market, and stock are understood and painful situation, but recently Chinese market almost bottomed,Each mill of 3Q financial results for large deficit maintenance shutdowns and production cutbacks, with the mill also is facing bankruptcy becauseFeel now it's time for rock-bottom is not or, this week visit to TISCO FOB $ 380 price get in to andOnce you have purchased hundreds of tons even harder buy, huh? and believe or not, your thoughts come please let me want toThank you please.More (Beijing / 亲戚)---------------訪問レポート-------------------------Period: 10/25/2015-28Purpose: (1) Chinese mills with promotion of Exchange and GO NO trilateral (capital steel Taiyuan iron & steel) (2) effect of the electromagnetic current Chinese and overseas markets (3) study of amorphous core business (in machine linking specimens)Visit to: (1) 5 ore steel (Beijing) (2) Taiyuan iron & steel (Hebei, Taiyuan Shinkansen (high iron) in approximately 3 hours) (3) the capital steel (Hebei transonic Xian City car in 3 hours) (4) in the machine linking specimens (Beijing)Companions: Commerce Beijing niitsu President 亲戚 Director of JSI dipankara President (5 mining steel, capital steel)1. electromagnetic Chinese market1) GOMore may have already started falling in China including DR is a spillover attention to movement monitoring of China's market and to overseas markets.Thanks for showing the information net of electromagnetic steel plates in aircraft say silicon steel in line with articleChina exports GO is 15000 tons in September.15000 ton / month production in China is thought to be nearly 20 percent and exports in China to GO over driveIt is most likely occurring.EM Office: China market trends, please calls to overseas CC, etc.2. China AD(5 ore steel)-Lowest price quantity, such as limiting as well as Europe to settle in or not?And POSCO is the (compromise) showing a cooperative attitude, have resisted the iron3. GO capacityAlso, before 5 mine, capital steel plans in China without (Government structure plan)In-story extension (completed in next year) NO grade ratio to enhance the Norman line Taiyuan iron & steel Line managers said NO high grade non-showed the plant had can also GO with the By secretly GO future production plans and seem to be. (Taiyuan iron & steel production meetings when you GO without plan With story)4. NO AssociationTaiyuan iron & steel:-(J quotient in the Chinese market whereas said 9 million tons), is taking the statistics in magnetic industry in ChinaI've never had reached 8 million tons. Demand for China's 7 million t 1.35→ car China is NO oversupply.And China's own HOT em almost culled. Currently, 200000 per year Tianjin and two other companies producing continuous5. Beijing impressions3Q GDP is less than the 6.9 percent and 7 percent in China, economic slowdown is affecting stock prices in developed countriesAnd has visited the Beijing-Taiyuan, felt steady consumption levels of impressions.-City's overflowing Hilton hotel also crowded with tourists in the half was over in Chinese tourists.Many people, without license plates get difficult issue in Beijing want to buy car EV car is easy-to-get license plates was popular in (most likely win)Be more EV buyers lately and chances of winning is coming down.And in Taiyuan City mods, such as the construction of the ring road is done, high-rise condominium construction boom has not stopped.Flight to Taiyuan to Beijing return bullet almost full was in.Have a dark image in the coal production city of smog at the Taiyuan airport is quite beautiful sky.Taiyuan steel said built-up area in the blast furnace, the company is going to very tough environmental measures;Environment has become a major assessment item, not as GDP evaluation of local government officials in China said. (Director of 亲戚)This trip was in Beijing Beijing autumn heavens not previously seen in the sky.* Coverage of Japan in Chinese on the supply side (power train cargo mining industry production and consumption) is in flat, declineIncluding 4 G users number of international airline passengers grew significantly, sales of automobiles also 9 2010 consumption year on year, theAnd the firm is reported.(Released today), has been held 5 meetings, this week since the beginning China's next five-year plan to decideThe future of the Chinese economy in the future comes into view.6. mill visit1) Taiyuan iron & steel (2015 / 10 / 27 (Tuesday))(1) factory-electromagnetic line tour -Capacity: 1400000 tons tandem 1 million tons (Mitsubishi heavy industries 2014 / 7 working) Sendzimir 2 400000 tonnes-Coating is usually coated, three types of chromium-free, thick coating (made in Europe)-Factory is China's leading mills will clean.(2) introduction of Taiyuan iron & steelAnd in 1934 founded originally Taiyuan iron & steel electromagnetic China Development Research Center in the 1950s national in to WuhanHas moved most of the em staff continue to develop on its own since 1998 no 400000 tonnesLaunched the line.-Crude steel capacity is 11 million tons (furnace 3) stainless steel 4 million tons (World's largest) electromagnetic production (800000 tonnes)→ has become a listed company name (company name of the card also) Taiyuan steel stainless steel co., Ltd.(3) impression of conversations and Taiyuan iron & steel-Termini (representative of the old coal town Chinese) quality images, Taiyuan and say Koreans come out of?Among those interviewed had assumed that the sales General Manager, including smart or seriousYou guys seriously business, working on he is liked very much.(亲戚 General Manager, said State-run Chinese mill's had overtime and holidays, while very serious, he said)And in terms of quality in the em studies the longest in China, says embla com NO1 supplier inHave confidence.-Sell on line enhancement are considering to develop China, including CC J commercial hopes.-Requested examination of the selling to Viet Nam.(4) sale of Taiyuan steel-China, Zhejiang Province River electric Baoshan centering on research and even overseas CC already three mill of adoption is progressingTaiyuan materials about other mills with explained that must have appealed to differentiate.And material strength specifically if you have strong example EMBRACO compressorTo promote such (drove the PRDS material may be)2) capital steelDescribing the meetingGo-1-10-sale of 80000 tons (capacity of 120000 tonnes) this year's production of 140000 tons and capacity (150000 tonnes)Up production-Produced in a basic DR aimed at making, devoted to standard HGO CGODR 70% 0.23% 10 • Exports of several hundred tons per month. Next year exports are focused challenge goal is 1000 tons per monthAnd for the overseas network introduction of JFE Shoji trade CorporationMore grandchildren Manager1 export environment is understood not so grateful to J commercial cooperation1 trader companies and talking to J commercial CC network is very interested in, and1 reader has reported J commercial cooperation○ 150000 tons / year of limited capacity, and where to put the emphasis on export? Get good ideas out the J commercial, so easy to talk and the leaders.-Ask, such as supply of JSI ENPI, JSSI-friendly trial BIS after.Magnetic room: and the capital steel cooperation to proceed overseas CC Beijing.7.-business-during machine linking child visits Contacts on sale GO through 5 ore steel units beginning around the year 2000 and the company is.Feet of super cow and Sun accounting was in charge at the time, and also reunited for the first time in 10 years,President Zhang and the company was founding member of the Association's subordinates of the minutiae (died in a traffic accident) alone andRelaxed this time warm friendships, conversation.1 > Chinese amorphous marketAnd China is a 100000 tons / year of demand. The largest is in amorphous distribution transformer.-Amorfastrans's were out of the country years 300000 units power distribution transformer 210000.As an average 200 KVA per unit of 400 kg x21 万 = 80000 tonsOtherwise include southern electric network and private-sector demand and market of 100000 tons / year.-Price-22000 source material 18,000 yuan.Cheaper than GO high grade is rising.→ may have helped may GO down.-Transformer low no-load loss advantage of amorphous, so do not use at all times (factory village),Amorphous advantage.And weakness of the amorphous1) too much noise. Into noise standards for noise sensitive and 不敏感 countries, are employed.2) amorphous, brittle powder out and become the cause of failure for power becomes a big problem agencies and Not used in hospitals.→ GO, such as Baoshan mill is in the country and the amorfastrans negativecaumpenAiming at the distribution transformer market, GO VS amorphous battle has been waged.-Peaceful willow is the main supplier of amorphous. Willow is good price quality balance.-Amorphous cores available. (The route)Amorphous constituents is roughly 90% silicon Iron Boron (a lot).And amorphous patents have already expired. Also Chinese manufacturers have changed the ingredients and HitachiNo export problems-Nano not used on a power distribution transformer uses the electronic components.2 >-business-Profit-line 2000-3000 tonnes per year 4 including line (volume + annealing) stock yard 3000 m 2; Equipment price 3 million RMB→ core join labor 4000 recovered in two years if you remain at 500 Yuan / ton from?And already profitable in China and, new amorphous line up (2-3)Many attained 300 line (300000 tonnes demand three times) to present.→ and threatened the Outlook for core business also in amorphous powder business (steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistantBoost) study. Think and work this product fun.-India is working on amorphous transformer from old country but also Indonesia and the Middle East,Actively exports to Bangladesh (budget price is no object, and bought a trans in international assistance), etc.Have done.And GE in North America's (Pro wreck? ) From more than one amorphous core maker, derived. Sumisho Mexico CC ever tries to sell in-core too give up.-Replacement of dry-type transformer is often amorfastrans. ABB in the European core supply Did not do was approached. ABB has production amorfastrans in Poland. Core manufacturers in America (Lake View) and the core production.(Examination of the core businesses of the future)And this visit was able to grasp for most of the investment.→ any spaces in the CC building expansion aside 3 million Yuan (approximately $ 60 million) investment inLine of the minimum investment can be-For inquiries, such as Viet Nam started from the core market adoption of regional amorfastransTo figure out your plan, consider the fisibility of core business.-Giant ABB for users, such as to the made contact, including 2 amorfastrans effortsTo understand the situation.And while machine is now Korea trader (expert of Daido from Taiwan people are involved)Via, which sells overseas are more often than not interested in our core business idea pattern.And heard J quotient approach to inquiry from Viet Nam, etc. in future core business interests and Manufacturing sales base say CC and that is the first from the core sales began studying go to our strengths I said grabbing the buyers.Magnetic room: continue efforts of amorfascoabusiness please.More than
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Otani president, TAN like, Matsuwaki like we become always care. This week business trip of the report along with the Tokyo Yamamoto director transfer, information will (especially Taiyuan Steel) to share. As you know, JFE Steel for between three countries of GO of JFE Shoji it is very sensitive, also, amorphous core business, so to speak as well, because the field to GO and Konhi ° over bets please note about the handling of information. Also for the next Taiyuan steel orders, as is your situation, there is also a mail TAN's, competition of prices violently, Vietnam market is poor, there is also a stock, but we know the painful situation, recently China market nearly bottoming out, in 3Q closing the large deficit of each mill, periodic maintenance, enters the production cuts, because the mill is also faced with bankruptcy, the FOB now it is felt to be soon or not the rock bottom of, yet at the time of this week TISCO visit $ 380 price is also available, even if a large amount purchase is difficult, it is considered how might Once you purchase several hundred tons, the idea of your company is Itadakitaku come to consult, and wishes well. More (Beijing and relatives) --------------- visit report ------------------------- period: 2015年25 to 28 October purpose: ① exchanges with China mill, GO NO trilateral promotion of (capital steel Taiyuan Steel) ② impact on the current situation and the overseas markets of China electromagnetic market study of ③ amorphous core business (medium Kirenkyo) visited: ① Goko Steel (Beijing) ② Taiyuan Steel (Hebei Taiyuan Shinkansen (high iron) about 3 hours) ③ capital steel (3 hours in Hebei qian'an car) ④ in machine Lian supply (Beijing) travel companions: J quotient Beijing Niitsu president戚部length JSI Joko president (Goko steel, capital steel) 1. China electromagnetic market 1) GO In China, including already movements confirmation of potential high Chinese market began falling DR and it is spread caution in overseas markets. Medium machine but is willing to show the articles of information net of electromagnetic steel sheet called硅鋼standing line has become 15,000 tons in exports in September of GO from China. 15,000 tons / month is 20 percent close to the thought is of GO in China excess → export drive of production in China is highly likely to have occurred. Electromagnetic Room: grasp the trend of the Chinese market, ask the caller to overseas CC other. 2. China AD (Goko steel) or not than to be settled by limiting and Europe as well as the lowest price quantity? · POSCO is (to compromise) is showing a cooperative attitude, but Nippon Steel has been resistance 3.GO capacity -Goko, government and even if none plan (plan in China to make sure the capital steel ratification is not down) of adding a-Taiyuan Steel is quota line (next year completed) NO of high-grade ratio to increase to a talk with but was in addition to line management says NO high-grade for his guide the factory GO of that there is possible to confidentially by it is believed to have planned the future of GO production. (Taiyuan Steel no interviews during GO production planning talk with) 4.No related Taiyuan Steel: - (for the view that the China market is 9 million tons of J quotient) is also in the electromagnetic industry in China has taken a statistics once it is not that it has led to eight million tons. China demand view that 7 million tons stand second half China that of → still true excess NO supply. China own HOT electromagnetic was almost selection. Currently 20 million tons / year in Tianjin and two other companies continue production 5. Beijing miscellaneous thoughts also affected the stock price of China economic slowdown is transmitted GDP of 3Q is below 6.9% and 7% in developed countries , but the Beijing Taiyuan are it was felt by visiting the impression that than consumption levels steady. Beijing city Hilton hotel filled with tourists more than half in the success was the Chinese guests. • The license plate acquisition difficult problem there if many people to want to buy a car in Beijing there was a popular thing with EV car number plate is easy to get (a high probability that strikes at the lottery) recently EV purchase that of the person increases the winning probability has been dropped. And construction rush of high-rise apartment is performed urban remodeling and construction of ring road even Taiyuan is not stopped. Airplane Taiyuan flights also return the Shinkansen to Beijing also was almost full. Sky but landed in Taiyuan Airport with a dark image called the city of smog in coal production is quite beautiful. Things the company is doing a very tough environmental measures with a blast furnace in Taiyuan Steel says urban areas. Evaluation of the executive of the local government in China that with the environment not only GDP has become a major evaluation items. (戚部length) also this time of traveling Beijing were the blue sky of the "Beijing Autumn" previously have never seen so much. * In China, the supply side is also in news of Japan (rail freight industrial production power consumption) is flat, is a downturn significant growth, such as 4G user numbers the number of international passengers, also in September of car sales to consumption, such as the previous year plus firm and I have been told. Coincidentally, than earlier this week, unanimously in the five to determine the framework for the next five-year plan of China has been held (today, announcement) come see the whereabouts of the future of the Chinese economy. 6. Mill visit 1) Taiyuan Steel (2015/10/27 (Tuesday)) ① factory tour over electromagnetic line tour and capacity 1.4 million tons tandem 1 million tons (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2014/7 running) Zenjimia 2 groups 400,000 tons coating usually coating, chrome-free, three types of thick coating (manufactured by Europe) and factories is a clean ish leading mill in China. ② Taiyuan Steel Introduction • In 1934 founded originally to Wuhan in national policy in Taiyuan steel but was the center of an electromagnetic research and development of China '50s and continue to largely proprietary and beyond has been the movement of the personnel of the electromagnetic sector 1998 to NO40 million tonnes of I launched a line. · Crude steel capacity of 11 million tons (blast furnace 3 groups) Stainless 4 million tons (the world's largest) electromagnetic production (800,000 tons) → listed company name (business card of the company name as well) has become the Taiyuan Steel stainless steel Co., Ltd. ③ Taiyuan Steel conversation impression that , quality image, the location pattern called Taiyuan (town old Chinese representative of coal) rough people out come kana and in arbitrarily start sales manager you had interviewed convinced smart or serious person who everyone seriously and had a very good impression woven working on business. (戚部length says state-owned Chinese mill of things to be folded and also very serious and overtime and holiday and out among) In-quality surface electromagnetic research even at that you say that the longest NO1 supplier of Enburakon in China and are confident . We are considering selling destination development in line enhancement China to CC of including J quotient I'm hopeful. - Uri destination consider second only to Vietnam was requested. ④ for the sale of Taiyuan steel material Zhejiang River electricity in China is progressing already adoption of Mikuni mill even overseas CC to have advanced to the center of the Baoshan to appeal to differentiate itself from other mill for the adoption of Taiyuan material It explained that it is necessary to get. If, for example, there is a strong track record in Enburako the material strengths that specializes in compressor (which may be material drove the PRDS but) such as to promote 2) capital steel interview content · GO the January-October sales of 80,000 tons (production 120,000 tons) this year of production volume of 14 million tons capacity (15 tons) production expected to full -production method is produced in basic DR aim appropriated off-specification in HGO CGO ratio of 10 of DR70% 0.23 % and export of feet month several hundred tons. Next year exports are key issues the target month 1000 tons for overseas network introduction of · JFE Shoji than grandson manager you are grateful for the cooperation of J quotient because it does not know ○ export environment but have a talk with ○ trader companies There is very interested in the CC network of J quotient, cooperation of J quotient also ○ leader has reported place it where the emphasis is the limited ability of ○ 15 tons / year export? I want you to put out a good idea from J quotient, easy to talk with the leader if so. · Enpai, request such as supply to the JSI of JSSI for trial BIS after the acquisition. Electromagnetic Room: Please the way of cooperation of the capital steel proceed with overseas CC Beijing. 7. amorphous core business over in the machine Unicom subjected visit the company there socializing in the sale of GO through Goko steel around 2000 platform began. Foot is also inquiries super core at that time in charge of a that was grandson accounting both reunion 10 years, ChoSo accounting is a subordinate of one Mr. Han deep were founding members of the association with the Company (died in a traffic accident) this time it was possible conversation informal warm the old friendship. 1> China amorphous market status quo of China market 100,000 tons / year of demand. The world's largest in the adoption of the amorphous distribution transformer. And national consumer electronics network of year 300,000 of the 210,000 cars amorphous transformer of the distribution transformer. Original unit 400kg x21 million units as the average 200KVA = 8万トンotherwise also include Southern Power Grid and private demand in and 100,000 tons / year of market size. - Amorphous core price 22,000 yuan base metal 18,000 yuan. GO cheaper contribute to the increase than the high grade. → GO is it might contribute to the possibility that the drops. - Since the advantage of the amorphous has a low no-load loss, always we do not want to use transformer (factory rural) in such amorphous advantage. - Amorphous weakness 1) is large noise. Country consumer electronics network I have adopted divides the noise standards in noise sensitive Zone and insensitive District. 2) amorphous power failure to become a cause of failure out is brittle powder government agencies and become a major problem not used in hospitals. → GO mill such as Baoshan amorphous transformer Negative campaigns have been made ​​to the country home appliances network battle of GO VS amorphous aimed at distribution transformer market acquisition has been waged. · Peace Kumoji the main supplier of amorphous. Kumoji balance of price quality is good. - Amorphous core available. and (circulation) your amorphous component iron boron (more) roughly 90% the number of silicon. Patent of amorphous already expired. Also Chinese manufacturers since the changing component Hitachi exports no problem nanocrystals are not used for distribution transformer with electronic components applications. 2> About amorphous core business profitable line of amorphous-core 2000 over 3000 tons / year four lines (winding + annealing) stock yards, including 3000m2 necessary. Equipment price is 3 million yuan about recovered in two years if may remain in → core processing fees 4000 yuan / ton 500 yuan? ? And new amorphous production line rises (2-3 companies) to look is already profitable and in China (three times the 300,000 tons demand) core supplier many 300 line exists. → amorphous powder business also medium machine concerned about the future of the core business (When sprayed onto steel heat corrosion resistance and considering the increase). I think when this product also work to be interesting. India Indonesia and the Middle East is not old from the amorphous transformer efforts country only, (the budget has bought a transformer in the international aid fine line put not) Bangladesh also actively exports to like doing. • In North America there are a plurality of amorphous core manufacturers is derived from GE (Plorec?). Sumisho Mexico Givuappu also CC attempts to sales of medium machine core once. - Amorphous transformer is often replaced from the dry transformer. The core supply in Europe from ABB has been approached and did not do. ABB will produce amorphous transformer in Poland. American iron core manufacturer (Lake View) is I do to advance the core manufacturing. (Future of the study of core business) we were able to grasp for the approximate investment scale, this visit. → extension of the building if there is space in the CC separately to three million yuan (about 6000 million) in investment of a minimum of line of investment is possible , in each region starting from the core selling for inquiries such as Vietnam amorphous transformer adoption of you want to consider the plan to understand the core business fisibility. · Major amorphous transformer of initiatives including the private sector do the contact to the user, such as ABB's situation we understand. And medium machine current Korean traders (Datong born amorphous Experts who are involved is Taiwanese) there is not a little interested in the idea of it is being sold to overseas through of our core business pattern. - Since heard the J quotient of initiatives policy-curious in the future of the core business to the inquiries from Vietnam, etc. First of all it is our strength that you want to study started from the core sales there is a manufacturing and sales base called CC selling destination It has grabbed and description. Electromagnetic Room: will continue to ask the amorphous core business initiatives. Or more

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Otani, Mr. President, TAN matsuwaki are always well looked after. Yamamoto, manager and business trip report this week in Tokyo with the transfer of information, in particular, Taiyuan Steel to share. As you know, at the very sensitive, they also JFE steel on JFE GO Mikuni Shoji between, say, the amorphous core business and started to GO conhydrine, please be reminded to deal with information. Check the order of Taiyuan Steel and your situation, and the TAN mailThe price competition is intense, Vietnam Marquette, inventory, and the situation that the recent China Marquette Q 3 sorts of reaching a settlement in the deficit, periodical inspection, production, because the mill is facing bankruptcy, and now I feel in the bottom, and when the TISCO visit this week and available FOB 380 million price, if you buy a lot of difficult to buy a few hundred ㌧ and thought, and how?I think I want to talk about it, they come in advance. Too more than Beijing, Qi)

--------------- visit report -- -----------------------

period in October 25 to 28 days with the local mill in China for the purpose of exchange between the three countries and promote GO NO of Taiyuan Steel from China capital market)
electromagnetic impact study of amorphous core business to overseas market in the United)

destination for the local steel)
Beijing five oreTaiyuan Steel from Taiyuan Iron and Hebei Shinkansen high in about three hours)
whether the Capital Steel in three hours in)
united in Hebei province transferred nearly J Beijing car dealer 戚部 length JSI sadamitsu niitsu President president, Beijing)

companion V ore steel, steel)

Chinese electromagnetic at a market in China GO high possibility to start including DR downward movements of the Chinese market has already spread to overseas market attention. From China's exports over the GO machine for electromagnetic steel sheet and silicon steel wire net information in the article of September 15,Got a ton. , 15 000 tons / month of production of China and China is close to 20 in excess of GO to export drive that has great potential. Electromagnetic too: grasp the trend of the Chinese market, please CC other overseas. 2 to be settled in China and AD five potential ore steel)
Europe to limit the quantity as well as the lowest price? At the POSCO compromise in a cooperative attitude showing that the iron resistance too. 3. GO at five, ability enhancementIn the Chinese capital plans to make steel without additional quota)
Taiyuan Steel line, if not the government ratified the plan of next year is completed in the story of the ratio of the high grade NO was to show me that in addition to the office high grade line management NO says that GO and secretly planning to GO production in the future. The GO Taiyuan Steel production planning at the time of interview and talk without)

4 NO Taiyuan Steel:
linkAnd as for 900 million tons of views of the Chinese market J quotient is not reached eight million tonnes at once in the electromagnetic industry in China to take statistics. The demand of China in the latter half of the 7 million tons of excess supply is NO put China in view of
→. The original and the electromagnetic HOT China almost selection. The current production running well, but the other two Tianjin 20 million / year at the company to give effect to the stock price of the developed countries to the economic slowdown is less than 7% of Q GDP 6.9 impressions and Beijing in ChinaThe consumption level of steady since Beijing Taiyuan impression of feeling. Beijing city at the Hilton Hotel is full of tourists in more than half of success in the Chinese guests. Many car license plate at the EV get some people in Beijing to buy the car if the license plates are difficult to draw with high probability. In recent years, with the winning probability EV down more buyers and that was popular. AtUrban redevelopment, etc. made of ring road construction in Taiyuan and stopping of the high-rise apartment building. A plane bound of Taiyuan and returned to Beijing bullet train was nearly full. Coal production in the dark image of city smog that has descended on Taiyuan airport sky is quite beautiful. It is a very strict environmental protection measures are carried out with the company in the blast furnace of Taiyuan Steel says the urban area. AtIt is not only the evaluation items GDP environment evaluation of local government officials in China. But in the long 戚部)
Branch Beijing was never seen before "the fall of Beijing". In Japan
* coverage in China, the power supply side of the production and consumption of the railway freight, 4 G user number of the number of significant international growth is down, car sales in September last year at once, plus consumption and firm. At that time, the earlier this week.And held in the afternoon of the Fifth Five-year China next to the essential part of the plan, see the future of the economy, including China's whereabouts. 6. Too too Visit Taiyuan Steel Mill (1 / 10 / 27 -- 2015 factory fire))
① electromagnetic field at the base line 140 million tons capacity of 1 million tons of tandem operation in 2014, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, two Sendzimir 40 million tonnes, usually at the coating thickness, coating, chromium free coatings made in Europe three kinds of plants, like China leading mill is beautiful.
② Taiyuan Steel are introduced.1934, originally founded in the development of Taiyuan Steel Electromagnetic Research Center of China was 50 in the national policy after the movement is a big part of the electromagnetic unit to continue to develop its own personnel in Wuhan in 1998 to 40 million tons of NO line. The capacity at 1100 million tonnes of crude steel blast furnace 3 million tons of stainless steel in the world's largest production enterprise names listed in the electromagnetic)
→ 80 million tons of business card company name of Taiyuan Steel and
③ Taiyuan Steel stainless steel has a limited impression at the image quality, the conversationLocation and design of Taiyuan coal town old Chinese representatives had a very good impression to interview, but that in and come out as a rough start smart sales manager or serious people to work in all earnestness in working time. In the input 戚部 chief says China is very serious, and the mill was left to work overtime is electromagnetic research in)
quality in China, the longest of the supplier and NO brother says that in confidence. AtIn line enhancement and to sell in China, including the development of CC J quotient is expected. The market in Vietnam to study the requested.
④ in Taiyuan Steel material sales of electric Zhejiang River in China and at abroad to promote CC in Baoshan already adopted of the mill and the adoption of Taiyuan materials have the appeal of mill and other necessary explanation and discrimination. For example, at the strength of the material at the specialized in the compressor have a strong track record in エンブラコAnd (2) to promote)

PRDS drove the material may not interviewed at the capital steel content at the GO sales volume 1 October 8 million tonnes of 12 million tons production) production of 14 million tonnes this year, up to 15 million tons capacity)
full production at the prospect of manufacturing the basic method DR aims to produce HGO CGO standards of DR 70% at 10 0.23 ratio at the foot of the export hundreds of tons per month. Next year the monthly export target priority subject to 1000 tons of JFE overseas trading network is introduced by the manager at the pair at the sunThe business environment in the J that exports do not talk to each
○ cooperation traders are thankful very interested CC J dealer network,
○ leader of business cooperation J limited
○ 15 million tons / year, and reporting with the ability to export is where? From J merchants want good ideas, and is easy to talk. At the end, after the trial for JSSI BIS to supply JSI acquisition request. Fearthecutest: electromagneticCapital Steel and promote overseas CC Beijing and the ideal way of cooperation. Well, the company in amorphous core business, thank you for visiting the United and began to 2000 through five days in GO ore steel sales company. At the foot of the super core is in charge of the inquiry was the grandson of accounting, accounting for the total Zhang they reunited with our founding members of the swing was one of noriuji died in a traffic accident in at this time is to renew their friendship could talk informally. TooThe Chinese market at present amorphous China market 10 million tonnes / year. With the adoption of the amorphous distribution transformer to the largest in the world. Table 21 million out of the 30 million years of State Grid Distribution Transformer with amorphous transformers. As the average KVA unit 200 and 400 kg = 8 x 21 million tons / year market size million tonnes it but also include private demand and southern power grid. The amorphous core 22 at the base price, 18000 yuan yuan. Cheaper than at the GO high grade increase. AtThat is, the possibility of GO may contribute. The advantages of the amorphous low no-load loss, so that the transformer is not used normally at the factory in rural areas, such as amorphous. The weakness of amorphous (1) a big noise. The State Grid has been adopted as the reference noise sensitive to noise and is not sensitive to the ward. 2 used in amorphous or government agencies at the hospital is a big problem to cause the failure of brittle fault out powder. AtTo GO mill in Baoshan, State Grid Corporation of negativity and amorphous transformer for distribution transformer markets won at the battle of amorphous GO VS fiercely. The security of the amorphous at Kumoji main supplier. Kumoji good price quality balance. The amorphous cores are available at. 90 a few rough)
iron boron amorphous component is circulated in many silicon. Of amorphous patent has already expired.The Chinese manufacturers and Hitachi because of changing component export problem at the nano crystal in the electronic component uses the distribution transformer is not used. The amorphous core profitability at line 2 to 2000 and 3000 tonnes of amorphous core business, including annealing line winding stock yard needed at 3000 m2. The equipment price is about 300 million yuan
→ core processing fees 4000 yuan / ton 500 yuan but recovered in 2 years to stay? AtThe rise of new amorphous, China already see profitable production line 2 and 3, 300)
supplier many core line is three times of 30 million tonnes of demand. Fear of amorphous powder core business to business in the future
→ corrosion resistance to heat and to improve on the steel. I think it's interesting to work with this product. The Middle East and a Indonesia at old India amorphous transformer not only their own effortsBangladesh international aid in the object and to buy budget does not go at the active export and so on. In North America, GE Pro trek? It is derived from a plurality of amorphous core manufacturers. Give up the attempt at the summit of the Mexico CC once in the machine core. The amorphous transformer from dry transformer replacement. At the ABB approached from the core supply in Europe, but did not do. In Poland ABB amorphous transformer production. AtAmerican core maker Lake View to advance the core manufacturing. In the future

(core business of)
this visit, can grasp the general scale of investment. In addition
→ CC space of building a 300 million yen from about 60 million yuan of investment in line with the minimum investment demand such as possible at the core fisibility Vietnam began to sell the business of amorphous core transformer in each area of the recruitment plan. I want to study. AtTo grasp the situation of amorphous transformer approach at the contact with the user, such as for a major ABB. At present, the machine in the Korean traders from amorphous of Datong professionals involved Taiwan man is interested to think of our core business is selling in overseas was not over. So listen to at J business plan for the inquiry from Vietnam in the future is at the core of interestFirst of all, starting from the core sales go to study our strengths to be manufactured and sold at the market infrastructure and CC grabbed. Electromagnetic: Well, please continue to amorphous core business activities. More stress.
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