《八十一日目》ハインドベアーのクマ次郎と、ブラックウルフリーダーのクロ三郎が【存在進化】した。普段から自分の飯は自分で捕らせていたし、人間軍 dịch - 《八十一日目》ハインドベアーのクマ次郎と、ブラックウルフリーダーのクロ三郎が【存在進化】した。普段から自分の飯は自分で捕らせていたし、人間軍 Anh làm thế nào để nói


普段から自分の飯は自分で捕らせていたし、人間軍に仕掛ける時にも乗って行ったりしていたの で、地味に経験値が集まっていたのだろう。
進化したクマ次郎はレッドベアーよりも大きくなった。灰色だった体毛はより黒みを増し、四肢 の筋肉は太く発達し、額からは五〇センチほどの黒曜石のような鋭い一角が生えた。
鬼熊は縄張り意識が強くて気性も荒く、鋼鉄よりも硬い爪と太い腕の薙ぎ払いは岩さえ砕く。こ の世界の平均的な町なら鬼熊一頭で十分全滅させられる程度には強いらしい。
そして長い月日を経ると額の一角に特殊な力を宿すらしいが、クマ次郎は既に何らかの力を宿し ているようだった。腕や角を使った攻撃をすると、たまに黒いオーラが発生して、その状態の攻撃 はあきらかに強く、動きも速い。今はまだそれを意思通りに使いこなせていないようだが、しばら くすれば自在に扱えるようになるだろう。
123 Re:Monster2 (リ•モンス夕 一 2)
それに加えて個別に思考する二つの頭を得ており、それぞれの大きなロからはパチパチボウボウ と雷を帯びた黒炎の吐息が漏れている。進化後の種族は【双頭狼】と言うそうだ。
基本的に火山地帯や地下空洞などに生息していて、この近辺には殆ど存在しない種族だそうだ。 吐息から分かるように、雷と炎をロから吐き出せるらしい。
ただ鈍鉄騎士の話によると本来は赤い炎らしいのだが、クロ三郎の炎は黒かった。毛並みもより 黒さを増している。また俺が何らかの影響を及ぼしているのかもしれないが、それは解明できない ので一先ず置いておく。
【存在進化】で上昇したニ頭のスペックがどんなものかを知る為、俺やオガ吉くんなどオーガクラ ス——つまり二回ランクアップ経験組み——の六名と、その《使い魔》の計十三体だけで、人間軍 の部隊を強襲することにした。
最近は全体のレベル上げが第一だった為、俺達主力は極力狩り過ぎない様に気を使いながら戦闘 していたのである。
仲間の数が多ければ多い分だけ得られる経験値が少なくなるので、一つレベルを上げるのにより 多くの経験値を必要とする俺達は、相対的にレベルが上がり難い。
全体の強さを底上げしても、最終的に頼りになるのはやっぱり自分自身しかいない。弱いままで は大切なモノを守れない事もある。ここらでガツンとレベルを上げておきたかったのだ。
留守は赤髪ショートの教官役兼師匠とした鈍鉄騎士や女騎士などに任せた。保険として、プラッ クスケルトンの小隊と、ある程度大きい分体も一一一体程置いているので心配無用だ。
それに人間軍の目的はあくまでもエルフである。わざわざ離れた場所にある他種族の住処を襲お うとは思わないだろう。
やや暗くなりだした日没頃、クマ次郎に跨りクロ三郎を従えた俺と、それぞれの《使い魔》に乗っ た仲間達は森の中を駆けていた。
今日の相手は、【魔法使い】の比率こそ少ないが、機動性が低い代わりに攻撃力がズバ抜けて高 い【重戦士】や攻守共に優れた【騎士】など、近接戦時に力を発揮する職業持ちが多いらしい。
総数六百名弱。亜人種は一人もおらず全て人間で、全員が武勲で成りあがった兵士だそうだ。近 くには他の部隊も居るので、短時間で削れるだけ削ったら遁走する予定である。
既に辺りには暗い闇が広がっており、アンデッド生成による戦力増強も簡単にできるので都合が 良い。それに人間が夜の森を行軍するなどまずあり得ないので、動かない分狙いやすい。
125 Re:Monster2 (リ•モンスター 2)
特に注意しなければならない相手は、白く立派な髭を生やす老齢の騎士だけだった。食事中にも かかわらず赤黒い刀身に小さな棘が無数に生えた黒鉄の短槍を携え、神々しく淡い白色の光を宿し た鱗鎧を装偏している。
鈍鉄騎士と女騎士達から聞いて製作した"王国帝国強敵情報一覧表"の中に、この老騎士に該当 する人物が一人いた。
帝国軍第三師団、通称《a,蛇の塒》——国が保有している軍専用の迷宮に挑んで地力を上げる 精鋭部隊の一つ——に所属し、その第二旅団長を務める、アイゼン.リツターという名の男である。 若い頃は冒険者として名を馳せたらしい。
黒鉄の短槍は帝国内の《神代ダンジョン》にアイゼン自身が潜って獲得した【遺物】級のマジツ クアイテムで、銘は確か【呪刻の逆棘】。刃が僅かに掠るだけで対象に強力な"呪い"——【鈍化 の呪い】【麻痺の呪い】【瀕死の呪い】など多種多様——を、傷つけた回数だけ付加するという陰湿 な能力を持つ呪槍だそうだ。
白いスケイルメイルは【呪刻の逆棘】を守っていた白竜を殺し、その素材から造った鎧型のマジツ クアイテムで、名称は【白鱗の竜衣】。クロスボウの一撃さえ難無く弾く硬度と、魔法に対する高 い耐性も持っている逸品だとか。
是非とも槍と鎧、それに本人も含めて喰いたいモノである。特に白竜の鱗から造られたという鎧 は絶対に喰いたい。
最初に殺す相手は、厄介なアイゼンに決定した。敵の最大戦力に不意打ちをして真っ先に消した 方が、コチラの勝率と安全性が増す。
確実に殺す為、温存していた【伝説】級【WT迷遺産】である朱槍【餓え渴く早贄の千棘】をア イテムボックスから取り出し、バリスタ状に変形させた銀腕に装填。
暗殺成功率を上げる【職業.暗殺者】、遠距離攻撃の一種であるバリスタで攻撃するので【職業• 射手】と【職業.狩人」、遠距離攻撃の命中率と威力を大幅に上昇させる【投擲】と【針通し】、 威力増加の為に【血流操作】などを重複発動させた上で、アイゼンの胴体を狙って朱槍を射出。
俺達と敵陣中心部近くに居たアイゼンは目測で三〇〇メートル以上は離れていた。が、可能な限 り気配を消した上で、弾丸、というよりは赤い彗星のように射出した朱槍は、狙い違わず白竜の鱗 製のスケイルメイルに守られたアイゼンの胴体に着弾、そして呆気なく貫いた。
アイゼンが手にしていたスープ入りの皿が落ちて砕ける微かな音が、静まり返った場に響くのを 確かに聞いた。
127 Re:Monster2 (リ•モンス夕 一 2)
アイゼンを貫いた朱槍の勢いは衰えず、地面に深々と突き刺さってしまったらしい。軌道上にあ る地面には穴が開いている。
胸部の殆どを消失したアイゼンの死体の周囲には、何が起こったのかまだ把握できていない敵兵 の姿があった。茫然自失でアホ面を晒し、開いたロが塞がっていない。
何とかアイゼンが死んだ事を認識しようとしているが、その死の予兆が無さ過ぎて、幻覚のよう に感じているのかもしれない。
ようやく動き出した敵兵がアイゼンの周りにある程度集まったのを見計らって、俺は朱槍が宿す 能力——【血塗られた朱槍の軍勢】を使った。
足下という死角から突如発生した朱槍に貫かれて、能力の及ぶ範囲である一〇〇メートル圏内に 居たほぼ全ての敵が死ぬか、重傷を負う事になった。手足を穿たれた者も居れば、胴体を貫通され
圏内に居る敵兵全てを殺しても良かつたが、それでは皆の取得経験値が少なくなるので自重した のだ。
度重なる攻撃に騒然とする様を嘲笑いながら、俺達は闇に紛れて突撃した。奇襲の混乱に乗じ、 敵陣を喰い殺す為に。
もはや正常に応戦するのは難しいだろう。つまりこの奇襲はほぼ成功したと言つていい。周囲に はブラックスケルトン達も配置している。誰も逃がす気はなかった。
鬼熊やオルトロス、ハインドベアーにトリプルホーンホースの走る速度は人間が乗る軍馬の比で はない。瞬く間に敵との距離を踏破した俺達は散開し、まだ混乱している敵兵に、それぞれ思い思 いに攻撃を繰り出した。
オガ吉くんの《使い魔》であるハインドベアーが速度と体格を生かした突進を繰り出し、逃げ惑 う敵兵を背後から礫いていく。踏み潰されて臓腑を撒き散らす者も居れば、跳ね飛ばされて宙を舞 う者も居る。
動きが身体に染みついているのか、混乱しながらも攻撃に反応して咄嗟に重層盾を構え、戦斧の 斬撃を防ぐ。
しかし追撃として発生する炎——戦斧の固有能力の一つ——までは防げず、最前列に居た兵士は 全身を高熱で培られて焼死した。重層盾は重撃に耐えられず〃く"の字に折れ曲がってしまっている。
相変わらず、凄い殲滅力だ。オガ吉くんが持つ【加護】の能力も上乗せされて斧から発生する熱 量は上昇し、周囲に逆巻く炎は被害範囲を広げ、黒焦げの死体を量産していく。
周囲に炎を撒き散らす斧を振るい、重層盾を折り曲がらせて持ち手を吹き飛ばすパワーを備え、 突破困難なタワーシールドで守りを固めるオーガ。
その傍らでダム美ちゃんは【魅了の魔眼】を使い、抵抗できなかった敵を操って同士討ちをさせ ていた。自分の手はあまり汚さず、損害を与えていくつもりらしい。どうやら同士討ちにさせても 経験値を得られるらしく、かなり効率は良さそうだった。
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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S 81 day."Black bear bear Jiro hind Veer and blackwolf leader Saburo [evolving present] that.To go riding than during let yourself heavily fished for their rice usually had a human army, had quietly gathered the experience value.Bear bear Jiro evolved grew more than the Red bear. More hair was gray blackness, and developed thick muscles of the limbs, growing sharp corner like a 50-centimeter Obsidian from the amount.GOB according to Toya, the tribe's evolution after [enables] and say so.Enables a break even rock 薙gi払i of territoriality strong temperament and rough and harder than steel nails and thick arms. PEKO's degree enables one 10 minute wiped an average town in the world seems to be strong.Submissive surrender just once if you so as ryuki Beast looks good easy to use.And bear bear Jiro, but is already perilously with some force and 宿sura and go through the long days in the amount of special forces that it was. Arm and angle of attack, and sometimes black aura may occur, attacks the state clearly strong and move even faster. Now still seem fabulous on decision making it is often from giggle and will should be to handle flexible.Followed by Kro Saburo is a warhorse and big.123 Re:Monster2 (Li • Mons dinner 1 2)It besides leaking black flames thought to separate two heads, and tinged with pachipathibowbow and Thunder from the big b of each breath. After the evolutionary races [two-headed Wolf] and say so.It seems to basically inhabits volcanic, underground cavities, etc, hardly exist in the vicinity of this tribe. As you can see from the breath the lightning and flames (b) to them attentively seems to be.Seems to be just according to blunt tekki certified native red fire, but flames of black black. More fur increasingly black. I have affected some or keep first because it may be, cannot solve it.[Present evolution] rose d to know what are the specs of the head or guclu, sawdust Yoshida-Kun and I — — that is 2 times rank experience combined — — of decided to assault the human military forces, only total 13 of the "familiar" with six.Few should mainly increase the level of our elite and go.Due to recently was the first outdent entire I should only hunt as much as possible is our flagship travellers was fighting making.Require more experience points raise fewer experience points obtained as many more friends, so one of us is difficult to rise relative to level.Actually so much fighting and killed despite level, did not as I thought.Is to raise the overall strength, eventually be still not himself only. There are also weak as the most important thing to protect. Kick and level up here, wanted it.Absence is left blunt tekki person with red hair short instructor helpful and mentor and her Knight. As insurance, Plat kskelton platoon and to some extent large-body even more than 111 games since worry is useless.It human military purpose only among Elves. Abode of other tribes all the way away, invasive and intends the won't.Crossings began to become somewhat darker around sundown, bear bear Jiro, Renaults Clos Saburo, and each riding on "familiar" I had companions were running through the Woods.Today's opponent is [witch] of zuba抜kete attack instead of low rate mobility low high. [heavy warriors] and offense with great [Knight], tended to exert close wartime occupation have.Total number of less than 600. Repond a single person seems to be soldiers not in all human beings, all in deeds of arms 成riagatta. In shavings only sharpen in a short time since I'm near the other forces, to run away.Runs 1 hour and arrived to the garrison of the enemy.Already spreading around here is dark and the beefing up of forces caused by undead can be easily so better convenience. As improbable as the marching forest human it doesn't work-easy to aim.125 Re:Monster2 (Li • Monster 2)From the top of the Hill built tent camped hard by, overlook the whole enemy had in to observe.Your opponent must be especially careful was only Knight of old age have mustache beard white and respectable. Red blade grew into countless small spines, though dietary iron short spear in hand, has partial exterior armor was to divine the pale white light.A person in the old Knights during the hearing from blunt tekki worker and her Knights, made "Kingdom Empire nemesis information list" was one.Empire Military Division 3, aka "snake of a roosting." — — elite increase the soil fertility, challenging labyrinth of private army owned by countries one single — — to Eisen, who travel to no. 2 leader,... man's named litter. Young apparently were renowned as adventurers.Short Spear of iron in the Empire "jindai Dungeon" on, is indeed magic citem class dived Eisen himself, won the [relic] [of the cursed barbed]. Only slightly 掠ru blade for powerful "curse" — — [curse of the slowdown] [curse of the paralysis] [curse of the dying], variety of — —, seems cursed spear with the insidious ability to append only the number of injured.The white scalemail [of the cursed barbed] magic citem's armor type kill Pei were defended, made from the material, [Dragon robe of white scales]'s name. High hardness even crossbow blow before play and magic are gem resistance also have said.Goods by all means including the spear and armor, that person and want to be. Absolutely somethin' is especially made from the scales of the White Dragon armor.Kill the first person decided, nasty Eisen. Maximum force of the enemy by surprise, disappeared in the first, to win here and safety increase.Zhu spear to kill to ensure it kept [legend] class [WT-lost heritage] in [hunger body very early offering 1000 barbs] loaded with silver arms and transformed the barista to eject from a an item box.Increase the success rate of the assassination [occupation. assassin], because Barista kind of ranged attack attack [vocational • Archer] and [vocational... Hunter ", increase the accuracy of ranged attacks and power [throwing] and [needle through] the power increase for blood flow operation, such as injection Zhu spear aiming at the torso of the crampons on the duplicate imposition made.Eisen was near the center of the enemy and we are 300 meters in the eye had left over. But as is radiated as possible unless you sign off on, and bullets, rather than the Red Comet Zhu spear aimed at the guarded by White Dragon scales made of scalemail Eisen's torso landed and penetrated very.Not sensitive climbing irons of the truly powerful blow of the imperceptible range and speed are, like others.One last look and understand what happened, it was impressive.Certainly heard echoing in the hushed dish soup with climbing irons had fallen, breaking a faint sound.127 Re:Monster2 (Li • Mons dinner 1 2)— — This is the beginning of a blues legend of the strongest.— — Positive, positive Temple. let devoured in pigs and people.— —, Who is the fittest survived nature's justice and.Such as the skewed thinking it doesn't matter.To discourage the notice and to observe enemy.Zhu spear pierced climbing power, seems to be had stuck deeply ground. On the track there are ground open hole.Was not aware of what happened around the corpse of climbing irons lost most of the chest, yet enemy. Daze not oder in stupefaction ahoge surfaces and open (b).It might be trying to realize somehow climbing irons were killed, but no signs of death too, feels like a hallucination.Is climbing around the enemy began to finally level gathered, I conceive a red spear ability — — [army of Zhu spear stained] used.Zhu spear has grown from the ground up, without any indication. In it countless fast.Within the range of ability, Zhu spear suddenly occurred from the blind spot that his feet carried now stayed within a 100-metre almost all the enemies die or a serious injury. And penetrate the fuselage if present and hands and feet pierced128There are persons.Kill all enemies within walking distance there are good, so was prudent because the less everyone gets experience points for;As to confused with repeated attacks who, while we're under cover of darkness, the assault. To kill the eater to surprise confusion.It would be hard to fight back no longer successfully. That this raid was largely successful and said shall be good. Black skeleton were also located around. I didn't let anyone.Kill hoards confused Eater is a very easy task.Speed enables or dying, hind Veer tripplehorn hose is not horse riding the human ratio. We quickly traversed the distance between the enemy and then spread out, I still confused enemy, each seemed to attack went.In "familiar" sawdust Yoshida-Kun fled the rush utilizing the speed and build a hindbear puzzled by enemy soldiers from behind gravel will. If present treaded, spreading the entrails, knocked off, there is Mai who through the air.And put a rush of momentum, erupted over where a heavy battle axe scatters fire epidemic around while [heavyWarrior: the Cleave group.And confused, which permeates through the body movements while also reacting to the attacks, double-layer shield pshaw eliminate battle AX slashing.Sounds heavy, high pitched sound.But inflammation that occurs as the pursuit — — one single battle axe-specific abilities — — until is soldiers, were in the front row during the ensuing body with high heat medium is were burned to death. Unable to withstand heavy hammer double-layer shield conferred go "of it bent-shaped.Before the overwhelming power of sawdust Yoshida-Kun [heavy] warriors defense, almost not like meaning.Still, great annihilating force. Heat generated from the axe, is topped with sawdust Yoshida-Kun [Allaah] ability to rise, spread the fire raging around the damage range, will churn out the charred corpses.OGRE axe around spreading the flames, let even folded double-layer shield, blowing off the hand power and Tower topped a difficult to build.Without a doubt, from the enemy in terror.Beside that, dam-CHAN, who is [charmed evil eye] couldn't resist the enemy and friendly and have had. My hands are too dirty, damage, some seems to be going. Will get exp also apparently let or demons, good was pretty efficient.Although all were brainwashed is not.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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"Eighty-one day"
and bear Jiro Hind Bear, black Saburo of Black Wolf leader was [there] evolution.
To his rice it had not taken on their own from the usual, and than to have been or done riding even when to launch the human army, probably quietly experience had gathered.
Evolved bear Jiro became larger than Red Bear. Hair was gray increases the more blackish, the muscles of the extremities are developed thick, from the forehead grew a sharp corner like obsidian of about fifty centimeters.
According to the gob grandfather, race after evolution's so called [Onikuma].
Onikuma even temper is strong territorial rough, Cleave of hard claws and thick arm than steel even break rocks. It seems strong to the extent that it is allowed to fully wiped out a child of the world of the average cities if the demon bear one head.
Just because the once docile if brought into surrender, but ease of use is good unlikely as cavalry beast.
And it seems harboring go through and special forces in the corner of the forehead a long month, but bear Jiro seemed to be already pregnant with some force. When the attack using the arms and corner, occasionally black aura occurs, the attack of the state is clearly strong, the movement is also fast. It seems not yet mastered it to the intention street now, but would be able to handle freely if tied by minimizing.
Then it's black Saburo, but became as large as the horses.
123 Re: Monster2 (Li • Mons evening one 2)
has obtained the two head to thinking individually in addition to it, from each of the big Russia is leaking sigh of black flame tinged with crackling Boubou and thunder. Race after evolution I hear say that [two-headed wolf].
Basically, you are living in the volcanic areas and underground cavity, it's seems race that hardly exist in this neighborhood. As can be seen from the breath, it seems Hakidaseru the thunder and the flames from the furnace.
But originally According to the story of Dontetsu knight is it seems red flame, but the black Saburo flame was black. Fur also is gaining more blackness. Also, but I is not perhaps have had some effect, it will keep in outline and can not be understood.
[Presence evolution] elevated order to know two head of specs is what in, such as I and Ogakichi kun Ogakura scan - that is two times rank up experience sets - six people and a total of the "Familiar" Just thirteen body, it was decided to assault the human army troops.
Going a few elite, it is in order to raise the level of ours mainly.
Recently, because the overall level up was the first, ours flagship is had to battle while using care so as not too much hunting as much as possible.
Since the experience value the number of fellow can be obtained only if it is more minute Okere is low, ours that requires a lot of experience values ​​by raise one level, relatively level is difficult to rise.
Actually fight about it, even though the level was killed was not going up as it sounds.
Even if the bottom raising the overall strength, to finally become a dependable is not still only themselves. weak while some things can not keep the important things in. I wanted to keep up the kick ass and level in around here.
Luz was allowed to such Dontetsu knights and woman knight was the instructor role and mentor of red hair short. As insurance, and a platoon of platforms click skeleton, it's useless worry has placed as large to some extent minute body and one hundred eleven bodies.
And the purpose of the human army is merely elf. To try to attack the other races of abode in the bother away would not think.
Sunset around you began is slightly darker, and I was followed by a black Saburo spans to bear Jiro, fellow who rode in each of the "Familiar" was over in the forest.
Today's opponent, but what small percentage of [witch], such as attack power instead is low mobility and excellent high-not [heavy warrior] and the offense and defense both missing Zuba [Knight], to exert a force on the proximity wartime occupation have seems there are many.
The total number six hundred people a little less. Sub-race in all human beings without woven even one person, it seems soldier who everyone wanted A made ​​in the feat of valor. Since the near country Some other troops, it is planned to fugue Once cut and only a short period of time shaved.
It arrived in enemy garrison When run about an hour.
Already spread dark darkness to around is convenient because the force enhancement by undead generation can also be easy. And because human beings can not have first such to march the Yonomori, minute and easy to aim does not move.
125 Re: Monster2 (Li • monster 2)
built a tent, the enemy forces in encamping at night in Thailand bonfire, to be observed from the top of the hill overlooking the whole.
In particular opponent that must be careful, it was the only knight of old age that grow the white respectable beard. armed with short spear of the meal a small thorn in the red-black blade despite in has countless growing black iron, you are Sohen the scale mail harboring a divinely pale white light.
Dontetsu in the knight and was fabricated to hear from a woman knights "kingdom empire formidable information list", the person corresponding to this old knight had one person.
Imperial Army third division, known as "a, snake roost" - one of the elite troops the country increase the soil fertility is challenged to be that the military dedicated labyrinth that held - it belongs to, to serve the second trip leader , crampons. I am a man named Ritsuta. Young it seems to have renowned as adventurers.
In short spear "Jindai dungeon" [relic] crampons itself acquired dived to class Majitsu click items in the empire of black iron, [barbs of curse time] inscription certainly. Blade is strong to the subject in only touch lightly just "curse" - [curse of slowing] [curse of paralysis] [dying curse], such as a wide variety - the, the insidious ability to add as many times you hurt It's seems Noroiyari to have.
White Scale Mail killed Hakuryu that had kept the [barbs of curse time], in the armor type Majitsu click items of which made ​​from the material, the name [Ryukoromo of Shirouroko]. And hardness to play even blow of crossbow without difficulty, Toka's gem also have high has resistance to magic.
By all means spear and armor, and to it is a mono you want to eating, including the principal. Armor that in particular was built from scales of Hakuryu want absolutely eating.
opponent for the first time to kill, was determined nasty crampons. If you put out first and foremost to the surprise to the maximum strength of the enemy, it increases the winning percentage and safety here.
Surely kill for, the [Sentoge of the upper thirst rather Hayanie is a had been preserved [legend] class [WT stray heritage] Shuyari was removed from the A item box, and loaded into Ginude that were transformed into varistor-like.
Raise the assassination success rate [occupation. Assassin], since the attack on the varistor, which is a kind of long-range attack [profession • shooter] and [occupation. Hunter ", increase greatly the hit rate and the power of long-distance attack [ Throwing] and [needle through], after [blood flow operation] and not duplicate trigger for power increases, it emits a Shuyari aimed at the fuselage of crampons.
The crampons that stayed close to ours and the opponent's center three hundred meters or more by eye was away. There, after off the As long Ri signs possible, bullet, and Shuyari emitted as red comet than say, landing on the fuselage of crampons that were protected by scales made ​​of Scale Mail of Hakuryu not differ aim, and unsatisfying it was through.
Powerful unmatched blow of range and speed that can not be perceived, indeed of Aizen also can not sense, it seems to have failed to prevent.
What I can not understand what happened, last expression, such as say even was impressive with.
Aizen is dish is falling crumble faint sound of soup into which has been in hand, it was certainly heard the sounds in the quiet was place.
127 Re: Monster2 (Li • Mons evening one 2)
- Korezo's start of surprise strongest legend.
- Such as sporting and Oke let eaten even a pig.
- Who's a law of the jungle that is justice those who survived nature place.
And the like, thinking deviates in trivial things.
In retaken care, to observe the state of the enemy.
Momentum of Shuyari that through the crampons unabated, it seems to have gone deeply To stuck to the ground. Hole is open to the ground Ru orbit near.
Around the crampons of the corpse which has lost most of the chest, there were enemy soldiers appearance of what is not possible whether still grasp what happened. Exposing the stupid face with be stunned, open furnace is not blocked.
Although somehow trying to recognize that the dead crampons is, past a sign the lack of his death, it might have felt like a hallucination.
In Mihakara~tsu that the gathered to some extent to finally start moving around enemy soldiers of crampons was, I ability Shuyari is harboring - using the [army of Shuyari that was bloody].
Without any prior warning, Shuyari was growing from the ground. It is also the myriad, at high speed.
By being penetrated to Shuyari that suddenly generated from the blind spot of the feet, or nearly was in one hundred meters within a range that spans the ability all of the enemy to die, it was decided to serious injury. If just stay who have been bored the limbs also are penetrating the fuselage
others have been.
But was good and even kill all enemy soldiers who are within, So is he all of acquisition experience value has its own weight because less.
While the derision in to the noisy to repeated attacks, ours was assault under cover of the darkness. It is multiplied by the turmoil of surprise, in order to kill eating the enemy.
No longer it would be difficult to fight back successfully. In other words, in this surprise is nice to Gentz ​​and almost succeeded. Black skeleton it is also located on the periphery. Everyone was not willing to escape.
the and kill Kui and confused Fodder, it's very easy task.
Onikuma and Orthros, speed running in Hind Bear of triple horn hose is not the ratio of horses for human ride. Ours is spread out that Disrupt distance with the enemy in an instant, still in enemy soldiers you're confused, I was feeding the attack to think physicians to think each.
Feeding the rush to "Familiar" is a Hind Bear Ogakichi kun was taking advantage of the speed and physique, it will have gravel from behind a clearance惑cormorants enemy soldiers. If even those who spread the stepping crushed by viscera me, Some are knocked the air the dance cormorant person.
And one swing of superheavy of battle ax was wielded to put the momentum of the rush is, [weight while sprinkled the flame epidemic around
was Nagihara~tsu a population of warriors].
Movement is what has been ingrained in the body Tossa to the stance the layered shield in response to even attack while confused, to prevent the slashing of battle ax.
Shrill, echoing the heavy sound.
However occur as chase flame - one unique ability of battle ax - it is not prevented until, soldier who was in the front row were burned to death in culture is the whole body with high fever. Layer shields they've bent to shape heavy attack endure without 〃 ku ".
[heavy warrior] our defense such as, but as meaning there is little in front of the overwhelming power of Ogakichi kun.
as usual , it's great annihilate force. heat the amount of capacity of [bless] that Ogakichi kun has also generated from the ax is plus rises, flames surging around to expand the damage range, will continue to mass-produce charred corpse.
sieve the ax that spread the fire around, and a power to blow away the possession is allowed to bend folding layer shield, auger to solidify the defense in difficult tower shield breakthrough.
undoubtedly, is a basis of fear if from the enemy.
Its Dam Bi-chan beside will use the [beans fascinated], and manipulating was could not resist the enemy was allowed to out together. my hands are not dirty too, it seems to intend to damage. To Apparently each other out It seemed obtained the experience value also be, quite efficiency was good.
It seems that does not mean that it was possible to brainwash all said that.
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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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The first day of the 》
"80 hind bear bear, a black cross Jiro Saburo ur flieder evolution exists). From their own rice usually caught me out, and I go to play when human forces, of which gather experience. With the evolution of the bear Jiro was larger than the red bear. The grey hair was increased by the black, thick limb muscle development, with the sharp tip of the brow of the fifty centimeters obsidian. AtThe old man by gob and, after the race, gokijoh and evolution. At the territorial gokijoh and stronger than steel, rough and hard claws of the rock arms even upon each other. If the average of the world in one town, gokijoh enough to be strong in order to annihilate. So at once if only in obedience to the animal is useful. At the tip of the brow of a long time to go through a special force to conceive and bear, Jiro was already have some kind of force.By using arm angle of attack, and occasionally black aura, state clearly its attack, quick movement. But now I still can use as it will, if one can engage in. But at the next cross Saburo, as a horse. Re 123 Monster 2 was obtained by two in one evening of Mons and 2)
thinking independently, and the headThere's a sigh of crackling flame bow bow black lightning from a large, respectively. It seems that the evolution of double-headed wolf tribe ". On the basic of underground openings and in volcanic area and population, race does not exist in this area. As can be seen from the sigh, lightning and fire from 吐き出せる. At just by blunt GSX1300R story and red flames of the black flame of Saburo. The coat has a black.I also have some effects may be, it is not for the study. What kind of head - up in the. Spec evolution method for such as I know, Mr. Ji is decorated, and clarity of the ogre -- twice -- six rank up experience, familiar "three meter 1 only the military assault on human the troops. The few elite in the order to raise our level. At the recent order was first raised the level of the wholeIn combat, while being careful not to major US just as much as possible. As a fellow at the get more experience can be reduced so that the higher level one, we all need a lot of experience to level up. In the battle, killing at all levels, despite the rising as we thought. To improve the strength of the whole, and finally becomes a choice but depend on their own.It is important to protect the vulnerable. I wanted to keep this up in smoke level. The absence of teachers and teacher and red-haired woman in short and blunt GSX1300R knight. As insurance, plaque index, to some extent, the platoon Kelton chromatid one big one since about right. The purpose of this army is the only humans and elves. I will not bother to attack other tribes in a remote location. When I began at sunset, a little darkDo I have to bear the cross, "Jiro Saburo straddled the magic of your friends are on the run in the woods. At today's party, "the wizard" ratio is small, such as low mobility attack power instead of all scholars as "high" or "heavy Warrior Knight, and excellent in close near have to exert the profession. The total number of the article name. All the human race, there was no sub - all made up of the soldiers. Since there is no near other forcesWill only run away when the plane in a short time. And run for an hour, we arrived at the station of the enemy. At the already spread in the area, and the dark forces generated by the undead since it can be easily enhanced is convenient. Such as March of human and it is not possible to begin the night forest, the aim is not to move. At the Re 125 Monster built by 2, and 2)
tent monsters of the enemy in the night by making a fire, to be observed on the hill overlooking the whole. AtYou should pay particular attention to the white beard was only grow old. Armed with short spears of countless small thorn grows in the dark red blade iron in diet, regardless of the device deviation with the divine light white light armor. And the lady at the blunt GSX1300R produced from listening in the Empire of the kingdom of the formidable information table, the one who falls under the old knight. At the Imperial Army, commonly called a "third division,》—— roost of countries have taken on a dedicated military labyrinth of one -- to raise soil fertility, belonging to the 2nd brigade's length is the name of the matrix and the man. When he was young, he gained a reputation as a venture persons. Short spear of iron in the age of Empire in the dungeon, "" self "Aizen won the relics of our class マジツ items by the curse engraved inscription of" reverse ".Blade slightly graze as powerful curse for curse "——【 slowdown" paralysis "of the dying curse curse" -- such as a wide variety, so insidious that cursed spear and added to the number of times. At the white スケイルメイル to white as the time to kill the spine from the material items made by マジツ armor type, the white dragon's scales. Play with safety and hardness even crossbow strike a gem, and has high resistance to magic. By all means, and the spearI want to eat is included in it. Armor and a specially constructed from white dragon scales, I want to eat. The first person to kill the determined. It is the biggest enemy forces to take out the first and best winning percentage, and enhancing the safety. To ensure the preservation of kill with the legend of the red spears hunger as early 渴 Nie (class in WT heritage. There are a thousand stray from the spine: a イテムボックス, silver arm deformed shape in the varistor is loaded. Employment, increase the success rate of the assassin, assassins.Vocational and professional shooters and so on varistor is a kind of long-range attack attack hunters ", and the accuracy rate of long-range attacks to be throwing power" and "the needle through the increase in blood flow, such as the operation power actuated on the double. In the red spears at Aizen's body. The crampon was near the center of the enemy and us away from more than 300 meters. The bullet on the limits of the possible sign of the red spears injection of red comet, and moreThe impact of the body's true to its aim, guarded by a dragon boat scale of スケイルメイル penetrated, and all too soon. The range and can not be perceived at the speed of a powerful blow unparalleled crampons, still can prevent the sensing, and the like. At what you do not understand, and that the last look as impressive. A dish that's falling soup as a faint sound of breaking, certainly in a quiet place. At the Re Monster 127. 2 and 2 one evening)
of MonsThis is the strongest legend -- the surprise. I like to eat pork in
—— fair.
—— Institute who had survived the jungle justice nature. And, like all good things get lost in thought. Take heart, and to observe the situation of the enemy. To spur momentum through the red spears, who seems to have stuck into the ground. On the orbit that is open on the ground. At the periphery of the body's disappearance of chest,The enemy soldiers that had happened doesn't understand anything yet. Fool to surface in a daze, not available in the open. It's something that died trying to recognize the signs of the past to death, such as hallucinations may feel. At the finally started to gather around the enemy's suit, I used the "Red Army spear spear Zhu conceive ability ——【 smeared with blood. At any sign of growing out of the ground, the red spears.At high speed, it also countless. From the dead at his feet and said Zhu spear pierced suddenly occurred in the range of capability is 100 meters distance of almost all the enemy's death, it was seriously injured. If a person who is bored, and 128. Some have to pass through the body. Kill the enemy at all in good distance, and then it's all because of acquisition experience value is reduced. While in my way at the repeated attacks, we charged under cover of darkness. Taking advantage of the confusion and surpriseIn order to kill the enemy. It will no longer back to normal. It is almost one and this is a surprise. The skeleton is arranged around the black. No one is willing to escape. The masses' em at the confusion, which is a very easy task. At the ortho gokijoh and loss, not to ride horses hind bear man running speed triple horn hose. He got over the distance in an instant we spread out the enemy, the enemy is still confusedYes I think out to attack. Hind bear "is a familiar of sawdust to lunge at good speed and advantage of the constitution, to take away the enemy reactor pebble from behind. Crushed it enough to be spread in the air to Mai who knocked. Shake the very heavy battle axe at the rush to exert force on the fire accident of the heavy scattered at the 薙ぎ払っ warrior group). A body in motion is ingrained,But confusion in response to shield layer to prevent attacks, slashing battle axe. It is the sound of a heavy sound. However, at one of the inherent capability of fire ax and pursuit -- to -- to prevent the media were burned to death in whole body hyperthermia was a soldier in the front row. The shield layer, unable to stand the heavy bombardment of my character which is bent. Protect the method such as heavy "warrior of the overwhelming power of sawdust Ji Kun almost have no meaning. As ever, he exterminated at the great power.With the increase in quantity of heat generated from the axe was added to the protection ability of the decorated with Mr. Ji, the flame spread around the water damage range, the mass production of a charred body. To cause the spread of fire axe, blow wind power to handle to shield layer, to break through the difficulties in the tower shield. No doubt, at which it is from fear of the enemy. Damm beauty: "use of the evil eye charm, while at the sameThe resistance to attack enemies are not manipulated. My hand too dirty, the damage will appear. I shall kill each other to get experience, it was quite effective. It is not at all however to be brainwashed. At
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