《七十八日同》 今日は朝の訓練はせず、ぞろぞろと皆で川に行った。いや、オーガなども入れるように、という事で温泉の浴槽は結構深めに設計していた dịch - 《七十八日同》 今日は朝の訓練はせず、ぞろぞろと皆で川に行った。いや、オーガなども入れるように、という事で温泉の浴槽は結構深めに設計していた Anh làm thế nào để nói

《七十八日同》 今日は朝の訓練はせず、ぞろぞろと皆で川に行った。いや、

《七十八日同》 今日は朝の訓練はせず、ぞろぞろと皆で川に行った。

ブリンからすれば深すぎたようで、溺れてしまう奴がしばしば居たのだ。 元々泳いだ事の無い奴が多いので、仕方が無いのかもしれない。何事にも初めてはある。 しかし今後、泳げなくて死んだ、なんて賢になっても困る。海戦があるかもしれないし、泳いで 逃げなければならない場面もあるかもしれないのだから。 その為今[は、以前グリーンリザードに襲われた滝のある川で、泳ぎの練習だ。 折角の機会だったので、普段は住処に籠ってあまり外に出ない鍛冶師さん達の気分転換も兼ねて 連れていく事に。
分体で周囲を簡単に調査させた結果、滝の L をしばらく進んだ所にグリーンリザードの住処があ ると分かった。襲ってこないかなー、と僅かに期待していたが、結局来る事は無かった。 少々残念だが、鍛冶師さん達が楽しそうに泳いでいたのでよしとしておこう。

《 L 卜九 1 1 ”》 どうやらボブゴブリンは頭打ちのようだ。
現在のゴブリンの数はレ五ゴブ。それらのレベルが令て” 1 0 0 ”になってしまったのである。

つまり、このト五ゴブには【存在進化】するだけのオ能が無かった、という訳だ。 残念ではある。が、嘆く必要はない.

ランクアップという手っ取り早い手段が使えなくても、地道に訓練して強くなればいいだけだか らだ。 訓練は己を裏切らない。例えゴブリンでも、訓練を続けて、ゴブリンを超えたゴブリンゴブ リンエリートになればいいじゃないか。 落ち込むゴブリン達を、そう言って励ました。これで頑張ろう、と気持ちが奮い立ったらしいの で、一件落着。



今日日が覚めると足軽コボルドが一.体、ド忍コボルドと呼ばれるコボルドが一体増えていたのだ。 足軽はいつも通りの育成コ!スに入れるとして、注目なのはド忍コボルドだ. 下忍コボルドは小太刀型の”生体剣”生体槍の刀剣バージョンー-. 1 を一本持った、普通のコ ボルドよりもかなり細い体つきをしたコボルドだった。 未だ犬顔だが、そのーーには知性の輝きがあり、身体の造りが人間に近づいていた.それに”ド忍” とあるように、魔法の一種である【妖術】から派生した特殊技法の一つ【忍法】が扱えるようになっ たようだ。 忍びというのだから諜報活動など裏方で活躍してくれそうなので、常に気配を消しておく様に指

隠れ身だった。 まだ人間軍は大きな動きを見せていないので、今日も川に行って泳ぎの訓練をする事に。 疲れのせいで何人か溺れてしまったりとハプニングはあったが、のんびりとした時間を堪能した。

《八十 1 1 1 1 》 今日は訓練を無くし、休日とした。
勉強するのも、女を抱くのも、訓練するのも、ハンティングに出かけるのも、令てはそれぞれの 意思に任せる。偶には息抜きした方がいいと判断したからだ。 そんな訳で俺は、オガ占くん、鈍鉄騎 b 、赤髪ショート、女騎士の四名を相手に、多対一の格闘 技戦を行って汗を流す。
四人は、耐久力が飛び抜けているオガ吉くんを先頭に症て、他の、. 入が脇から攻撃を仕掛ける、 という戦法で向かってきた。 オガ吉くんの一撃はとにかく重くて痛いし、その陰から飛び出してくる鈍鉄騎 L の打撃は正確に 急所を狙ってくるので油断できない。赤髪ショートは足払いや口潰しなどとにかく体勢を崩す事に 執念を燃やしていたし、女騎 L は隙あらば突っ込んでくる。非常に厄介だったが、その分良い訓練 にはなっていた一、

温泉に入って汗を流した後、多少大きすぎるが愛嬌のあるペット達と満足ゆくまで戯れる. 姉妹さん達が作った " メルザック”と呼ばれるサンドウィッチに似たこの世界の料理を摘まんで 昼食をとり、相変わらず武器開発に没頭している鍛冶師さんの所に赴く.護衛エルフさん達も交え て新しい武器の構想を提案し合った。 夕方には錬金術師さんの所に赴いてへ,後活躍してくれるだろうバーストシードの製作に勤しむ。 製作中はあまり会話しないが、心を落ちつけられる貴電な一時だ。 日も暮れて星が輝く夜になると、ダム美ちゃんと二人だけで空の旅を楽しんだ。 夜風は少々冷たかったがオーガは寒さに強いし、ダム美ちゃんは【氷原の神】の加護持ちなので
、面わずもがな。俺は背中に作った翅で、ダム美ちゃんはダムピールの能力によって、寄り添いなが ら飛ぶ事しばし。 流石に長時間飛んでいると多少冷えたので温泉に浸かって身体の芯まで温めて、女騎トも含めて 皆で寝た。
寝る前に色々と汗を流したが、明日の朝温泉に人って流せばいい。 実に良い休日だった。


ハインドベアーのクマ次郎と、ブラックウルフリーダーのクロ三郎が【存在進化】した。 普段から自分の飯は自分で捕らせていたし、人間軍に仕掛ける時にも乗って行ったりしていたの で、地味に経験値が集まっていたのだろう、 進化したクマ次郎はレッドベアーよりも大きくなった..灰色だった体毛はより黒みを増し、四肢 の筋肉は太く発達し、額からは五◎センチほどの黒曜召のような鋭い.角が生えた。

ゴブ爺によると、進化後の種族は【鬼熊】と....口うそうだ。 鬼熊は縄張り意識が強くて気性も荒く、鋼鉄よりも硬い爪と太い腕の薙ぎ払いは岩さえ砕く。こ の世界の平均的な町なら鬼熊.頭でレ分全滅させられる程度には強いらしい。 ただ一度屈服させれば従順なので、騎獣としては使い勝手がいいそうだ。 そして.長い月日を経ると額の一角に特殊な力を宿すらしいが、クマ次郎は既に何らかの力を宿し ているようだった。腕や角を使った攻撃をすると、たまに黒いオーラが発生して、その状態の攻撃 はあきらかに強く、動きも速い.今はまだそれを意思通りに使いこなせていないようだが、しばら くすれば自在に扱えるようになるだろう.. 次いでクロ一..郎だが、軍馬と同じぐらいの大きさになった.、





基本的に火山地帯や地ト空洞などに生息していて、この近辺には殆ど存在しない種族だそうだ。 吐息から分かるように、雷と炎を口から吐き出せるらしい。 ただ鈍鉄騎士の話によると本来は赤い炎らしいのだが、クロ三郎の炎は黒かった。も並みもより 黒さを増している。また俺が何らかの影響を及ぼしているのかもしれないが、それは解明できない ので一先ず甜いておく。
【存在進化】で上昇した.一頭のスペックがどんなものかを知る為、俺やオガ吉くんなどオーガクラ スつまり、.回ランクアップ経験組みの六名と、その使い魔の計卜.-.体だけで、人間軍 の部隊を強襲することにした.
少数精鋭で行くのは、主に俺達のレベルを L げる為である。

最近はへ L 体のレベルヒげが第一だった為、俺達・王力は極力狩り過ぎない様に気を使いながら戦闘 していたのである。 仲間の数が多ければ多い分だけ得られる経験値が少なくなるので、.つレベルをヒげるのにより 多くの経験値を必要とする俺達は、相対的にレベルがヒがり難い。 現にあれほど戦い、殺したにもかかわらずレベルは思ったほどヒがってはいなかった.、

全体の強さを底ヒげしても、最終的に頼りになるのはやっぱり自分白身しかいない。弱いままで は大切なモノを守れない事もある。ここらでガツンとレベルをヒげておきたかったのだ。 留守は赤髪ショートの教官役兼師匠とした鈍鉄騎 L や女騎士などに任せた。保険として、ブラッ クスケルトンの小隊と、ある程度大きい分体も三体程置いているので心配無川だ。 それに人間軍の日的はあくまでもエルフである。わざわざ離れた場所にある他種族の住処を襲お うとは思わないだろう。

やや暗くなりだした日没頃、クマ次郎に跨りクロ..一郎を従えた俺と、それぞれの園使い魔.に乗っ た仲間達は森の中を駆けていた。 ヘノ日の相手は、【魔法使い】の比率こそ少ないが、機動性が低い代わりに攻撃力がズバ抜けて高
い【重戦 L ⊥】や攻守共に優れた【騎 L 】など、近接戦時に力を発揮する職業持ちが多いらしい。

総数六百名弱.亜人種は一人もおらず全て人間で、全員が武勲で成りあがった兵 L だそうだ。近

くには他の部隊も居るので、短時間で削れるだけ削ったら遁走する予定である。 一時間ほど走ると敵の駐屯地に到着した.、


既に辺りには暗い闇が広がっており、アンデッド生成による戦力増強も簡単にできるので都合が 良い。それに人問が夜の森を行軍するなどまずあり得ないので、動かない分狙いやすい、

テントを建て、篭火を焚いて夜営中の敵軍を、全体が見渡せる丘の L から観察する。 特に注意しなければならない相手は、白く立派な髭を生やす老齢の騎士だけだった。食事中にも かかわらず赤黒い刀身に小さな棘が無数に生えた黒鉄の短槍を携え、神々しく淡い自色の光を宿し
鈍鉄騎士と女騎士達から聞いて製作した” E 国帝国強敵情報一覧表”の中に、この老騎 L に該当 する人物が.人いた。

帝国軍第二師団、通称・∴白蛇の塒》国が保有している軍専用の迷宮に挑んで地力をヒげる 精鋭部隊の一つに所属し、その第..旅団長を務める、アイゼン・リッターという名の男である。

クアイテムで、銘は確か【呪刻の逆棘】。刃が僅かに掠るだけで対象に強力な”呪い”-【鈍化 の呪い】【麻痺の呪い】【瀕死の呪い】など多種多様を、傷つけた回数だけ付加するという陰湿 な能力を持つ呪槍だそうだ。

クアイテムで、名称は【白鱗の竜衣】。クロスボウの一撃さえ難無く弾く硬度と、魔法に対する高 い耐性も持っている逸品だとか。

是非とも槍と鎧、それに本人も含めて喰いたいモノである。特に白竜の鱗から造られたという鎧 は絶対に喰いたい。 最初に殺す相手は、厄介なアイゼンに決定した。敵の最大戦力に不意打ちをして真っ先に消した 方が、コチラの勝率と安全性が増す。
確実に殺す為、温存していた【伝説】級【神迷遺産】である朱槍【餓え渇く早賛㊨千棘】をア イテムボックスから取り出し、バリスタ状に変形させた銀腕に装填。 暗殺成功率をヒげる【職業・暗殺者】、遠距離攻撃の.種であるバリスタで攻撃するので【職業・ アダハトレンるタニソト 射手】と【職業・狩人】、遠距離攻撃の命中率と威力を人幅に上昇させる【投榔】と【針通し】、 威力増加の為に【血流操作】などを重複発動させた上で、アイゼンの胴体を狙って朱槍を射出。 俺達と敵陣中心部近くに居たアイゼンは目測で一. 6 0 メートル以ヒは離れていた。が、可能な限 り気配を消した L で、弾丸、というよりは赤い彗星のように射出した朱槍は、狙い違わず白竜の鱗 製のスケイルメイルに守られたアイゼンの胴体に着弾、そして呆気なく貫いた. 知覚できない射程と速度の強力無比な一撃は、流石のアイゼンも感知できず、防げなかったようだ。 何が起ぎたのか理解できない、とでもいう様な最後の表情が印象的だった、
アイゼンが f にしていたスープ入りの皿が落ちて砕ける微かな音が、静まり返った場に響くのを 確かに聞いた。

これぞ不意打ち最強伝説の始まりだ。 正々堂々などは豚にでも喰わせておけ。 所詮弱肉強食な自然界は生き残った方が正義だし。 などと、どうでもいい事に思考が逸れる。 気を取り直して、敵の様.
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S 78, as "troop and we went to the River, rather than training in the morning today.But yes, Auger, so that the hot tub was designed to deepen considerably From Brin seem too deeply, drowning him in there often is. It might be not originally swam him there, so there is nothing. Everything is for the first time. But it embarrasses it even if I will not swim and died, Ken. From may of battle may be swimming, and must flee the scene. Now therefore [the river previously attacked by Green Lizard waterfall, swim practice. It doubles as a blacksmith's doctors not to go out too much, because it was a long-awaited opportunity, because normally in diversion, take.Results in minutes easily investigate around the waterfall L goes to found and Green Lizard Habitat. I don't attack!, and regulators had hoped to eventually come. Keep in good was happily swimming in Smith who is a little disappointing, but."L choose 9 1 1" "apparently Bob Goblin leveling off is like.Number of current Goblin's re五 gob. Level of those decrees have "1 0 0" ended up in.Rank ADVThis sort v in GOB [evolving present] just of no au resolution, I got. Unfortunately, that. But don't mourn... Quick means of rank wasn't even training efforts, stronger or just from that. Training does not betray his own. If even goblins, continue training, beyond the Goblin Goblin gov line great or not. Saying that goblins were depressed, encouraged. Hang on it, and seems to be inspired feelings of the disposition of the case. For the Kobold who is still increase. The Giro Wake up today and King Kobold is one. It's called de Shinobu kobolds, kobolds were more heck. Ashigaru is always street training course! Trying to put de Shinobu Kobold's attention. Under the Ninja kobolds are shmoozing-"the living sword" biological spear sword birthday-... 1 picks with the ordinary of Koh was a Kobold was considerably thinner than a bald breed. Yet dog-faced, but that--is brilliance of intellect, was approaching the human body builds. It "de Nin", a kind of magic in [witchcraft] from one single special technique derived [ninpo] is treated as was seems. Always turn off the sign from the Shinobi's such intelligence activities as backstage working in me so her the finger. Small, although "sign. Clearly there are good tribes, covert, a natural C on FedNetHiding was acquired. Yet human forces didn't know how big move today went to the River to swim training. Due to tiredness or drowning some and enjoyed the happening had a laid-back time."80 1 1 1 1] holiday, eliminating the training today.Also to study, go to train women, are also hunting the Decree let each. From a breather once in a while is better judged. So I went four sawdust dominated by Mr. blunt tekki b, short red hair, her Knight martial arts combat of many-to-one against the sweat.Four people are sawdust Yoshida-Kun par have the endurance at the beginning of of the other. Strategy pieces aside from attacks, which has been heading. Blow sawdust Yoshida-Kun blunt tekki L anyway heavy and painful and come out of the shade shots steals points precisely so insidious. Red hair short leg sweep and closing mouth anyway to break things up to, had the woman Knight l slit Oh if commision. One was getting was very awkward, but that good training Playing with pets people have sweated in the hot springs, then too little charm and satisfaction goes up. Go to Mr. Smith's deformable resembling sandwiches called "melzacc" sisters who made this world cuisine lunch, still engaged in weapons development. Escort Elves were also the new weapon concept suits and proposed. Evening visit the Alchemist's laboratory, after me working would burst seed production and work. Your den that tempers the mind is not to talk too much during the making of temporary. The day grows dark, the stars shine at night, and dam beauty and enjoyed the air travel only by two people. OGRE strong cold breeze was a little bit cold and dam-CHAN, who is God of the Icefield's protection have soThe 面wa without even there. I made a back wing, dam-CHAN, who is 寄ri添i by the ability of the damper from while flying. Slightly chilled and flying for a long time though so soak in the hot springs and warm to the core of the body, female Knight, also, everyone went to bed.Before going to bed and I sweated, but tomorrow morning hot person resultant good. It was a really good holiday. 《 8 subgroups. Day. " ハインドベアーのクマ次郎と、ブラックウルフリーダーのクロ三郎が【存在進化】した。 普段から自分の飯は自分で捕らせていたし、人間軍に仕掛ける時にも乗って行ったりしていたの で、地味に経験値が集まっていたのだろう、 進化したクマ次郎はレッドベアーよりも大きくなった..灰色だった体毛はより黒みを増し、四肢 の筋肉は太く発達し、額からは五◎センチほどの黒曜召のような鋭い.角が生えた。イッコしゴブ爺によると、進化後の種族は【鬼熊】と....口うそうだ。 鬼熊は縄張り意識が強くて気性も荒く、鋼鉄よりも硬い爪と太い腕の薙ぎ払いは岩さえ砕く。こ の世界の平均的な町なら鬼熊.頭でレ分全滅させられる程度には強いらしい。 ただ一度屈服させれば従順なので、騎獣としては使い勝手がいいそうだ。 そして.長い月日を経ると額の一角に特殊な力を宿すらしいが、クマ次郎は既に何らかの力を宿し ているようだった。腕や角を使った攻撃をすると、たまに黒いオーラが発生して、その状態の攻撃 はあきらかに強く、動きも速い.今はまだそれを意思通りに使いこなせていないようだが、しばら くすれば自在に扱えるようになるだろう.. 次いでクロ一..郎だが、軍馬と同じぐらいの大きさになった.、 Lancaithop It in addition thought to separate two heads, bathybathybowbow from each big mouth And Kano breath tinged with Thunder black flame is leaking. After the evolutionary races [two-headed Wolf] and say so. OL trove Basic volcanic and ground, race hardly exist in the vicinity of this cave was inhabited, it seems. As you can see from the breath lightning and flames from the mouth them attentively seems to be. Seems to be just according to blunt tekki certified native red fire, but flames of black black. Even better than par increasingly black. Has somehow affected me or because it may be, cannot solve it felt sweet keep.Gotsnkearoso[Present evolution: the rise... To know what are the specs of the head or guclu, sawdust Yoshida-Kun and I,... Total fix times rank experience combinations of six people and the familiar. -. As the body decided to assault the human military forces.Few elite, go to level our main L listed for.To recently is King and we only hunt as much as possible for L-level Hi is was the first travellers was fighting while your mind is in. Because fewer experience points obtained as many more friends. Tsure Bell coffee listed even though we need more experience value is relative to level coffee takes hard. Wanted level is actually fighting so much, even though it killed more coffee is! did not. 、 Strength of the entire 底翳 poppy even, ultimately will depend on the it yourself not only whites. There are also weak as the most important thing to protect. Here at level with a kick and lift happened.. Absent is left blunt tekki L with red hair short instructor helpful and mentor and her Knight. It's worry otonashigawa as insurance platoon of black kskelton and to some extent large-body even more than three games since. It is a human army, only among Elves. Abode of other tribes all the way away, invasive and intends the won't.Astride began to become somewhat darker around the sunset, bear bear Jiro Clos... My Renaults Ichiro and each garden the familiar... In squared I had companions were running through the Woods. Against Henin, the [Wizard] of zuba抜kete attack low rate mobility low rather than highハウノウォリアトでい【重戦 L ⊥】や攻守共に優れた【騎 L 】など、近接戦時に力を発揮する職業持ちが多いらしい。総数六百名弱.亜人種は一人もおらず全て人間で、全員が武勲で成りあがった兵 L だそうだ。近 くには他の部隊も居るので、短時間で削れるだけ削ったら遁走する予定である。 一時間ほど走ると敵の駐屯地に到着した.、 とんゑニヒ 既に辺りには暗い闇が広がっており、アンデッド生成による戦力増強も簡単にできるので都合が 良い。それに人問が夜の森を行軍するなどまずあり得ないので、動かない分狙いやすい、 かがりびテントを建て、篭火を焚いて夜営中の敵軍を、全体が見渡せる丘の L から観察する。 特に注意しなければならない相手は、白く立派な髭を生やす老齢の騎士だけだった。食事中にも かかわらず赤黒い刀身に小さな棘が無数に生えた黒鉄の短槍を携え、神々しく淡い自色の光を宿しノリケでルメゴルた鱗鎧を装備している。鈍鉄騎士と女騎士達から聞いて製作した” E 国帝国強敵情報一覧表”の中に、この老騎 L に該当 する人物が.人いた。ルトルンヒネアダンノ帝国軍第二師団、通称・∴白蛇の塒》国が保有している軍専用の迷宮に挑んで地力をヒげる 精鋭部隊の一つに所属し、その第..旅団長を務める、アイゼン・リッターという名の男である。若い頃は冒険者として名を馳せたらしい。しんだいユざヒドト黒鉄の短槍は帝国内の・神代ダンジョン胃にアイゼン自身が潜って獲得した【遺物】級のマジッじゅこくさかとげクアイテムで、銘は確か【呪刻の逆棘】。刃が僅かに掠るだけで対象に強力な”呪い”-【鈍化 の呪い】【麻痺の呪い】【瀕死の呪い】など多種多様を、傷つけた回数だけ付加するという陰湿 な能力を持つ呪槍だそうだ。白いスケイルメイルは【呪刻の逆棘】を守っていた白竜を殺し、その素材から造った鎧型のマジッはこりんりゆういクアイテムで、名称は【白鱗の竜衣】。クロスボウの一撃さえ難無く弾く硬度と、魔法に対する高 い耐性も持っている逸品だとか。 是非とも槍と鎧、それに本人も含めて喰いたいモノである。特に白竜の鱗から造られたという鎧 は絶対に喰いたい。 最初に殺す相手は、厄介なアイゼンに決定した。敵の最大戦力に不意打ちをして真っ先に消した 方が、コチラの勝率と安全性が増す。レンェンダリィァトディフマワトわしノキデッしで確実に殺す為、温存していた【伝説】級【神迷遺産】である朱槍【餓え渇く早賛㊨千棘】をア イテムボックスから取り出し、バリスタ状に変形させた銀腕に装填。 暗殺成功率をヒげる【職業・暗殺者】、遠距離攻撃の.種であるバリスタで攻撃するので【職業・ アダハトレンるタニソト 射手】と【職業・狩人】、遠距離攻撃の命中率と威力を人幅に上昇させる【投榔】と【針通し】、 威力増加の為に【血流操作】などを重複発動させた上で、アイゼンの胴体を狙って朱槍を射出。 俺達と敵陣中心部近くに居たアイゼンは目測で一. 6 0 メートル以ヒは離れていた。が、可能な限 り気配を消した L で、弾丸、というよりは赤い彗星のように射出した朱槍は、狙い違わず白竜の鱗 製のスケイルメイルに守られたアイゼンの胴体に着弾、そして呆気なく貫いた. 知覚できない射程と速度の強力無比な一撃は、流石のアイゼンも感知できず、防げなかったようだ。 何が起ぎたのか理解できない、とでもいう様な最後の表情が印象的だった、アイゼンが f にしていたスープ入りの皿が落ちて砕ける微かな音が、静まり返った場に響くのを 確かに聞いた。 これぞ不意打ち最強伝説の始まりだ。 正々堂々などは豚にでも喰わせておけ。 所詮弱肉強食な自然界は生き残った方が正義だし。 などと、どうでもいい事に思考が逸れる。 気を取り直して、敵の様.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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"七the 18th same" Today is not the morning of training, I went to the river in droves at all.
No, to put well as auger, hot springs bath in the fact that although he had been designed to deepen fine, if from Brin and seemed too deep, he guy would drown has often stayed. Since originally that no guy is often swam, perhaps there is no way. It has to for the first time nothing happened. But the future, died rather swim, What a troubled even at Ken. It does not may be a naval battle, because not may also swim must escape scene. Therefore now [is, in the river with waterfall that was attacked by a previous Green Lizard's practice of swimming. Because it was precious opportunity, I decided to take it also serves as a blacksmith's our diversion that does not go out too much muffled in habitat is usually. a result that minute was easy to investigate the surroundings in the body, it was found that the Green Lizard of abode there Ru in the place where it proceeds while the waterfall of L. The Na or not come hit, and it had been slightly expected, it was not to come after all. It's a little disappointing, but let me and settle because the blacksmith's we were swimming to fun. "L Bok nine 1 1" "Apparently Bob Goblin's plateau of the way. The number of current Goblin Les five gob. is of those levels has become "1 0 0" Te decree. Rankuadobu In other words, this To five gob only Noh was not of the [presence evolution] is in, I mean that. there is a shame. It is not necessary to lament. even unusable quick means of rank-up, steady training And then strongly or just does it become Radha. training not betray ourselves. in example Goblin, and continued training, is not it? should I accustomed to Goburingobu phosphorus elite that is beyond the Goblin. the fall goblins, to say so The encouragement was. I will work hard at this, and at the apparently feeling was Furuita~tsu, and one case closed. In contrast, Kobold we still have growth allowance. Noshiro and today date wake footmen Kobold is one. bodies, de Shinobu Kobold he Kobold had increased integral called as footmen is always placed in foster co vinegar street, but attention Nanoha de Nin Kobold Genin Kobold is Kodachi type of "biological sword" biological spear of swords version sitting -.!.. 1 one was with, it was an ordinary co-Bordeaux Kobold was a pretty thin figure than. Although it is still a dog face, there is a sparkle of intelligence to the The -, made ​​of body had approached the man. And "de Nin" As the phrase, seems now can handle one [ninja] of derived special technique from [witchcraft], which is a kind of magic. Because it seems to me been active behind the scenes, such as intelligence activities because of that bear, always and as keep off the sign and finger and. to small, it can be seen well that sign is are skilled to become lean. ethnic to covert, indeed natural Fudonitsu leaves was hiding himself. still human army a large movement because it does not show, but it in. Some people drowned gone or the happening because of fatigue had to make the training of the swim went to the river today, and enjoy the time you have a laid-back. "eighty 1 1 1 1 "Today eliminates the training, holiday and it was you. also to study, even to entertain a woman, even for training, even to go out to hunting, the Te decree be left to each of intention. is better to have a breather in the even It is because was judged good. is me with why, Ogauranai kun, blunt Tecchi b, red hair short, the four members of the woman knight in opponent, sweat to go many-to-one of the fighting skills against. four people , endurance is disease at the beginning of the Ogakichi kun that par, the other,. input is to attack from the side, hurts are. Ogakichi kun blow anyway heavily that has been toward in tactics that, from the shadow blow of the blunt Tecchi L to come jumping out can not be careless because exactly come aimed at the vital point. Red hair short is to have been burning obsession to that breaking the anyway posture such as foot and mouth pay crush, woman sitting L come thrusts if Coarsely chance. It was very awkward, one had been in that minute good training, after a sweat to enter the hot spring, and frolic until it is somewhat too large yuku satisfaction with the pet who is charming. Take a lunch in does picked sister's who is similar to the sandwich called "Melzack" made ​​this cuisine of the world, to go to the usual place of smiths, who is immersed in weapons development. Escort Elf's also sprinkled I have committed proposed the concept of a new weapon. And to have went at the alchemist's in the evening, and diligently in the fabrication of burst seed, which would us to post active. I am not much conversation during the production, but it's nobler power transient to be settle mind. Sun is also the star is shining night after dark, and enjoyed air travel just Dam Bi-chan and the two people. To the night wind is strong in a little cold was, but auger is cold, because the cage retention of Dam Bi-chan [God of ice] , Menwazumogana. In wing I that made ​​the back, Dam Bi-chan by the ability of Damupiru, often that Na snuggle fly et al. If you are flying indeed a long time to warm to the core of the body is immersed in hot springs so cool somewhat, was sleeping in everyone woman sitting To also included. Although shed various and sweat before going to bed, it is good if Nagase What people tomorrow morning hot spring. It was a really good holiday. "Hachiboku. Sun eyes " and bear Jiro Hind Bear, black Saburo of Black Wolf leader was [there] evolution. To his rice it had not taken on their own from the usual, than to have been or done riding even when to launch the human army, probably quietly experience had gathered, rather than bear Jiro Red Bear has evolved It increased. . Increased body hair was gray more blackish, the muscles of the limbs developed thick, sharp, such as a black曜召of about five ◎ centimeters from the forehead. Corner was flies. The dang to According to the gob grandfather, race after evolution [Onikuma] and. . . . 's Mouth jar likely. Onikuma even temper is strong territorial rough, Cleave of hard claws and thick arm than steel even break rocks. This average cities if the demon bear of the world. It seems strong to the extent that it is caused by minute wiped out in my head. Just because the once docile if brought into surrender, but ease of use is good unlikely as cavalry beast. And. It seems harboring a special force to the corner of the forehead and go through a long month, but bear Jiro seemed to be already pregnant with some force. When the attack using the arms and corner, occasionally black aura occurs, the attack of the state is clearly strong, the movement is also fast. It seems not yet mastered it to the intention street now, but would be able to handle freely if tied by minimizing. . Then black one. . It is Ichiro, but became as large as the horses. , Rankeasopu we have obtained two head to thinking in addition to it individually, from each of the big mouth crackled Boubou is leaking leaves breath of black flames tinged and thunder. Race after evolution I hear say that [two-headed wolf]. Orutorobe If you are basically living in volcanic areas and a bit hollow, it's seems race that hardly exist in this neighborhood. As can be seen from the breath, it seems Hakidaseru the thunder and fire from the mouth. But originally According to the story of Dontetsu knight is it seems red flame, but the black Saburo flame was black. It's gaining more blackness nor average. Also, but perhaps I have some influence, it should be had in outline甜it can not be understood. Gotsunkearoso it was raised in the [presence] evolution. for one head of the spec is to know what, Ogakura scan that is like me and Ogakichi kun. Six people and times rank up experience sets, a total of Bok of the familiars. -. Just the body, it was decided to assault the human army troops. Going for a select few, it is because mainly ours level L gel. Recently to because Reberuhi-ge of L-isomer was the first, I us · Wang force is had to battle while using care so as not too much hunting as much as possible. Since the experience value the number of fellow can be obtained only if it is more minute Okere is reduced,. One by Higeru of the level of ours that requires a lot of experience value, relatively level is hardly shy fire. Actually fight about it, even though the level was killed did not is a non wants as it sounds. , even if Sokohi-ge the overall strength, to finally become a dependable choice but not after all my whites. weak while some things can not keep the important things in. I wanted to keep beard a kick ass and level in around here. Luz was allowed to such blunt Tecchi L and woman knight was the instructor role and mentor of red hair short. As insurance, and a platoon of black-click skeleton, it's worry-free river so that the minute the body to some extent greater at about three bodies. And human army day basis is merely elf. To try to attack the other races of abode in the bother away would not think. Sunset around you began is slightly darker, black span to bear Jiro. . And I was followed by a Ichiro, each garden Tsukai magic. Fellow who rode in was over in the forest. Opponent of Heno date, but what small percentage of [witch], attack power instead is low mobility is missing Zuba high in Haunou~oriato Opinion [heavy warfare L ⊥] and offense and defense both to the excellent [Cavalry L], such as the proximity wartime It seems there are many occupations possession that exerts a force on. The total number six hundred people a little less. Sub-race in all human beings without woven even one person, I hear everyone's troops L that wanted A made ​​in the feat of valor. Near because the country also have other units, it is planned to fugue Once cut and only a short period of time shaved. It arrived in enemy garrison When run about an hour. , Tonwe Nihi has already spread dark darkness in the neighborhood, it is convenient because the force enhancement by undead generation can also be easy. And because people question impossible first such to march the Yonomori, it is easy to aim it is not minute move, bonfires built a tent, the enemy forces in encamping at night in Thailand basket fire, to be observed from the L of the hill the whole overlooking . In particular opponent that must be careful, it was the only knight of old age that grow the white respectable beard. armed with short spear of the meal a small thorn in the red-black blade despite in has countless growing black iron, harbor light of divinely pale self-color Rumegoru in Norike you are equipped with a scale mail was. Dontetsu in the knight and was fabricated to hear from a woman knights "E countries empire formidable information list", a person corresponding to the row Cavalry L. We had people. Le Torun Wahine Adan Roh Imperial Army second division, the soil fertility is challenging the labyrinth of the military dedicated owns the roost "country of aka · ∴ White Snake to belong to one of Higeru elite troops, the die. . Serve the trip leader, is a man named crampons Ritter. Young it seems to have renowned as adventurers. Shindaiyu-za Hidoto short spear Magic of-Jindai in dungeon stomach won with crampons itself dived [relics] class in the empire of black iron Juko Kusaka thorn in the clock item, [barbs of curse time] inscription certainly. Blade powerful "curse" to the subject in only touch lightly just - [slowing curse] [curse of paralysis] [dying curse] such a wide variety, with a insidious ability to only the number of times that hurt added Noroiyari I hear it. White Scale Mail killed Hakuryu that had kept the [barbs of curse time], armor type Magic that was made ​​from the material Colin Riyu-i in clock item, the name [Ryukoromo of Shirouroko]. And hardness to play even blow of crossbow without difficulty, Toka's gem also have high has resistance to magic. By all means spear and armor, and to it is a mono you want to eating, including the principal. Armor that in particular was built from scales of Hakuryu want absolutely eating. opponent for the first time to kill, was determined nasty crampons. If you put out first and foremost to the surprise to the maximum strength of the enemy, it increases the winning percentage and safety here. Len ~E down Daryi § To diffusion Mawato eagle Nokide~tsu Mr. reliably kill for, is you were sparing [legend] class [Kami迷heritage] Shuyari [hunger thirst Hayasan ㊨ Sentoge] was removed from the A item box, The loaded into Ginude which were transformed into the varistor shape. The assassination success rate Higeru [vocational and assassin], long-distance attack. [Vocational and hunter] and [vocational and Adahatorenru Tanisoto shooter] Since the attack in the varistor is the seed, and [To榔] to increase the hit rate and the power of long-range attack in people width [needle through], the power increase on which was overlapping trigger and [blood flow operation] in order, it emits a Shuyari aimed at the fuselage of crampons. One is crampons which was in near ours and the enemy center by eye. 6 0 m以Hi was away. There, in the erased are limited Ri signs that can be L, bullet, and Shuyari emitted as red comet than say, landing on the fuselage of crampons that were protected by scales made ​​of Scale Mail of Hakuryu not differ aim, and unsatisfying it was through. Powerful unmatched blow of range and speed that can not be perceived, indeed of Aizen also can not sense, it seems to have failed to prevent. What I can not understand what was causing skills, the last expression, such as say even was impressive, Aizen is faint sound breaking down the soup into a dish that was to f is, certainly that the sounds to the hushed place I heard. Korezo It's the beginning of the surprise strongest legend. Such as sporting and Oke let eaten even a pig. 's A after all justice those who survived the law of the jungle of nature. And the like, thinking deviates in trivial things. In retaken care, enemy of the way.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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"七十八日同" today morning, in training and in the river. No, at that ogre, such that it is quite deep in the design of the hot spring bath, as if from Bryn too deep, too, if he can stay, it often. The sea was not so many, but he may not. It is the first time for everything. However, in the future can not dead, is in trouble. That may be, battle ofSwimming scene should escape might be. Today, the river falls in older green lizard, swim practice. It was the good opportunity, so take things usually go out too if I stay in home as a blacksmith of change. Results of the survey to easily at the periphery of the body, while L falls and Advanced Institute of green house lizard. If I hit a little hope,In the end, it did not come. Sorry, but I'll settle as a blacksmith who happily swimming.

《 L Bu 9 1 1 "Bob" it reaches a goblin. At present, the number of the gob's five goblins. Those levels "1 0 0 Ordinance" now. In other words, too ランクアドブ at no - this ability to five gob evolution "to the present". It is too bad. The.
need not complain too
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