都市住民の山村移住による備長炭の技術伝承―― 和歌山県中部山村の事例 ――篠 原 重 則I 緒 言現在,日本の農山漁村は人口減少と人口の高齢 dịch - 都市住民の山村移住による備長炭の技術伝承―― 和歌山県中部山村の事例 ――篠 原 重 則I 緒 言現在,日本の農山漁村は人口減少と人口の高齢 Anh làm thế nào để nói

都市住民の山村移住による備長炭の技術伝承―― 和歌山県中部山村の事例

―― 和歌山県中部山村の事例 ――

篠 原 重 則

I 緒 言

現在,日本の農山漁村は人口減少と人口の高齢化に悩まされ,過疎問題が深 刻である。しかしながら,一方では都市住民の農山漁村への関心も高まってい るといえる。2004年度の農林業白書によると,消費者の多くは国産農産物の 安全性や品質を評価しており,輸入品より割高でも買いたいという声が多いと 指摘している。国産品への消費者の関心をさらに高めるような販売戦略を展開 することが,今後の農業の活性化に必要だとしている1。)
筆者の学究生活は,1962年勤務校下に見られた焼子制度という前近代的な 製炭形態の実地調査2)に始まる。焼子制度とは,親方である炭問屋に隷属した 貧しい製炭者が炭問屋に払下げられた広大な国有林に入山し,木炭を賃焼きす る製炭形態である。製炭作業はほぼ一年を通して営まれるが,その間の生活に
せき ぶ

親方に払下げられた国有林に入山し,山から山へと移動しながら製炭稼業に明 け暮れる者3)もいた。
四国西南地域の製炭業は,技術的には四国東南地域の山村から伝播してきた ことを確認したので,四国東南地域の製炭業の調査に赴く。そこに展開してい る備長炭の製法は大正元年和歌山県より伝播してきたことが判明したの で,1965年の初頭には,和歌山県田辺市の秋津川地区の調査に赴いた。秋津

424 松山大学論集 第17巻 第2号

川地区の備長炭の製法技術は,きわめて卓越したものであったが,そこには薪 炭商に従属した焼子制度の遺制4)もみられた。
筆者の研究は2000年ころから,農林水産物の直売と農山漁村の活性化の研 究5)~9)に移行するが,2003・2004年に和歌山県田辺市の秋津川と,そこに隣 接する南部川村に,梅栽培・販売と山村の活性化の調査に赴くと,そこに都市 からの移住者が,備長炭の生産に励んでいる姿を多く目撃し,伝統的な備長炭 の生産が移住してきた製炭者によって継続されていることに,いたく学問的興 味を覚えた。
伝統的工芸品の生産などにおいては,徒弟制度によって,その技術が新規参 入者に伝えられることは,多くの研究がみられるが1,0),11)農山村においては, そのような事例研究は寡聞にして,あまり聞くことはない。本論文を草した目 的は,いまだ事例研究の乏しい農山村における伝統的生産技術が,都市からの 移住民によって,どのように伝承されているかの解明にある。

Ⅱ 山村定住に関する和歌山県の施策

和歌山県は都市住民の農山村定住に意欲的に取り組んでいる代表的な県であ る。農林水産部内には定住促進課があり,就業相談・生活体験研修1,2)定住の 為の農林業複合経営支援1,3)地域特産品の情報提供などの業務を行っている。
和歌山県定住促進課では,和歌山県 UJI ターンマニュアルという小冊子を発 行しているが,表1は,この小冊子から,都市住民の移住民による備長炭の技
みな べ がわ


都市住民の山村移住による備長炭の技術伝承 425

表1 和歌山県内独自の定住対策一覧

市町村名 支 援 項 目 支 援 内 容
中 津 村 出産に関する 1子…………3万円
支援制度 2子…………3万円
産業振興に関 紀州備長炭築窯補助……………10~30万円
する支援制度 紀州備長炭製炭技術の伝承……製炭研修所の建築
遊休農地の賃貸制度……………面積1,000 まで
賃貸料(年間11,800円/千 )
南部川村 出産に関する 3子…………30万円
支援制度 4子以降……80万円
田 辺 市 就業就学に関 紀州備長炭後継者育成事業費補助金
する支援制度 …紀州備長炭新規就業者に対して,田辺市木炭生産組合員の
大 塔 村 結婚に関する 若年結婚祝い金(16~40歳未満)……結婚祝い金10万円
支援制度 縁結び謝金5万円
出産に関する 3子……20万円
支援制度 4子……30万円
転入に関する 若者定住奨励金(新卒者) ……………………………20万円
支援制度 若者転入奨励金(単身者)……20万円 (家族)……25万円
就業就学に関 新規農業従事者……年間60日以上従事し,10a以上耕作,ま
する支援制度 たは林業に年間60日以上従事したもの…
住宅に関する 若者住宅対策奨励金(16~40歳未満)
支援制度 建築・購入(70 以上)……一般80万円,辺地100万円
増築(50 以上)……………一般40万円,辺地 50万円
空屋改築 ……………………一般40万円,辺地 50万円
注)和歌山県農林水産部定住促進課(2003):「和歌山 UJI ターンマニュアル」より作成


全国一の高級木炭である紀州備長炭の生産地域として知られている和歌山県 は,木炭全体の生産量では全国の8.1%を占め,全国第3位の生産量を誇る。

426 松山大学論集 第17巻 第2号

表2 全国上位10県の木炭生産量(2003年)

県 名 木炭生産量t 全国比 白炭t 黒炭t
1 岩 手 5,070 23.8% 43( 0.8) 5,027( 99.2)
2 北海道 3,592 16.8 3( 0.1) 3,589( 99.9)
3 和歌山 1,735 8.1 1,675(96.5) 60( 3.5)
4 山 梨 1,267 5.9 5( 0.4) 1,262( 99.6)
5 福 島 991 4.2 50( 5.5) 861( 94.6)
6 高 知 831 3.9 520(62.5) 311( 37.4)
7 熊 本 684 3.2 684(100.0)
8 栃 木 589 2.7 33( 5.6) 556( 94.4)
9 宮 崎 579 2.7 473(81.6) 106( 18.3)
10 群 馬 418 1.9 7( 1.6) 411( 98.3)
全 国 21,300 3,782(17.7%) 17,519(82.3%)
注)林野庁,特用林産対策室資料による。 白炭・黒炭の( )内はその生産比率を示す。

全国1・2位の岩手県・北海道は黒炭生産地域であるのに対して,和歌山・高 知・宮崎の諸県は白炭の生産地域であり,特に和歌山県は全国の白炭の44.2% の生産を占め,高級な備長炭の産地としての名声を博している。
木炭はその製法から窯内消火で生産する黒炭と窯外消火で生産する白炭に分 類されているが,紀州備長炭は白炭の代表である。図1は和歌山県の白炭の生 産量の推移を示すが,これによると,木炭生産の最盛期であった1940年には


図1 和歌山県の白炭生産量の推移(1925~2002年)





一 一 一 一
九 九 九 九
二 四 五 五
九 〇 〇 五

一 一 一 一 一 一 九 九 九 九 九 九 六 七 八 八 八 八 五 五 五 六 七 八

一 一 一 九 九 九 八 九 九 九 〇 一

一 一 一 九 九 九 九 九 九 二 三 四

一 一 一 一 一 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 五 六 七 八 九

二 二 二 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 一 二


都市住民の山村移住による備長炭の技術伝承 427

24,184tの生産を誇っていたが,1960年ころからの燃料革命のあおりを受 け,1975年には2,740tと最盛期の8.3%に低下し,以後2,500t以下で推移 し,2002年には1,632tとなっている。

図2 和歌山県の市町村別木炭の生産量(1960年)

県 界















0 20d

428 松山大学論集 第17巻 第2号

図3 和歌山県の市町村別木炭生産量(2003年)

県 界


黒炭 白炭










0 20d


都市住民の山村移住による備長炭の技術伝承 429

図2は燃料革命以前の1960年の和歌山県の市町村別の木炭生産量の分布を 示すが,これによると和歌山県の製炭地域は,和歌山県中・南部の山村に広く 展開していたことがわかる。図3は2003年現在の和歌山県の市町村別の木炭 生産量を示すが,原料のウバメガシ林の卓越する南部川村・田辺市を中心に, 北は中津村から,南は大塔村・すさみ町に至る和歌山県中部山村に集中してい ることがわかる。


(ア) 紀州備長炭の特性
備長炭は,主としてウバメガシを炭材とする白炭で,ウナギのかば焼き,ビ フテキ等の魚肉の直接加熱,焼きもの料理には最適の燃料で,その加熱効果に ついては多くの実験例がある。その放射エネルギーを測定したところ2~6ミ クロンの波長の放射線が多い。この放射線は肉類に吸収され,その表面温度が 上昇し易く,硬化して内部のうまみ成分を外に出しにくいという。肉の内部の タンパク質は熱分解して,うまみ成分,アミノ酸が生成されるという1。4)

(イ) 紀州備長炭の製法
備長炭の生産は,まず築 窯にはじまる。図4は備長 窯の構造を示す。その平面 はいちじく型であり,窯口 から煙道口までは2m80m くらい,縦断面図をみると 炭化室の高さは2m余であ り,約1t前後(15 俵に て60俵程度)の出炭量の

写真1 南部川村嶋之瀬における備長炭炭窯の構築

430 松山大学論集 第17巻 第2号

図4 紀州備長窯の構造


ね ら し
上の高温に達する精 に耐えなければならず,石やレンガの内壁を粘土で覆っ

て作られる。窯の耐久期間は短く,天井部分は3~4年,窯全体は長くて14,15 年くらいで築き直さなければならない。窯の再構築は,元の窯の土を細かく砕 いて新しい土と混ぜて使うと耐久性が向上するという。

都市住民の山村移住による備長炭の技術伝承 431

備長炭の原料は主として,ウバメガシであり,図5に示すように,和歌山県 中南部には広く分布する。ウバメガシの特徴は硬くて重く,水に浮かべても沈 下するという,和歌山県のウバメガシは,臨海部・内陸部に広く分布し,天然 林と人工植栽されたものがある。備長炭の核心的生産地である田辺市秋津川や

図5 和歌山県のウバメガシ林(1996年)

海岸風衡地のウバメガシ萌芽林地帯 育成された備長炭の原木林で残存

0 20d


432 松山大学論集 第17巻 第2号

南部川村では,図9に示す ように択伐林仕立で,8~ 10年ごとに伐採さ れ,25 年程度で3回択伐されてい たという,極めて集約的な 萌芽更新がなされてきた。 ウバメガシ林は何窯分焼き の山として原木が売買され てきたが,製炭者は山主か ら択木管理することが義務
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Bincho charcoal by the migration of city dwellers in technology transfer--Wakayama Prefecture Central Japan village of examples--Shino Hara heavy lawI introductionCurrently, rural Japan has been plagued by population decline and population ageing, depopulation is serious. However, on the other hand have an increasing interest in urban agriculture mountain fishing village with. Pointed and often hear that imports more expensive to buy, according to the white paper and forestry in 2004, many consumers value domestically produced agricultural products for safety and quality. 1 and was able to expand the sales strategies, such as enhancing domestic consumers ' interest even more, to revitalize agriculture. )1962 years of my academic life, hands-on study 2 of pre-modern charcoal grilled child system beneath the school) to begin with. And the hardened child system, in the form and enter into the vast national forests were individuals in the coal wholesale poor charcoal, coal wholesalers in the master with slavery, to rent baked to charcoal, charcoal. Charcoal work is conducted through most of the year, but during that time lifeTake food and sundries from boss to set in kind. Is the prewar Bill tray andCoughing]Mamemaki is liquidated in minutes-yaki (grilled fare), but in many prewar products teens who, again3 dark dawn charcoal work while moving from mountain to mountain, and enter national forest were individuals to master) also had.Charcoal industry in Shikoku, Southwest, has been propagated from a mountain village in Shikoku, Southeast technical, we proceed to the charcoal industry in Shikoku, Southeast of. Have been deployed there for that charcoal production turns out to have been propagated from Wakayama Prefecture 0/1912, who proceeded to study in Tanabe city, Wakayama Prefecture akitsu River district in the early part of 1965,. Akitsu 424 Matsuyama University review vol. 17 No. 2Hardened child institutional area, charcoal production technologies, very prominent in there that are dependent on the fuel business 遺制 4) FIR were.Study of author's since 2000, 5 activation of the direct sale of agricultural and forestry products and rural)-9) to migrate, but in 2003.2004 Tanabe-Shi Wakayama akitsu River, and there next by charcoal and seen many bordering southern Kawamura, go to the activation of the plum cultivation and sale of Yamamura research, and there, hailing from the city works hard to charcoal production, immigrated to traditional charcoal production has continued, utterly annoyed academic interests.But many studies have observed that in such traditional crafts production, reportedly by the apprenticeship, technology to new entrants, 1, 0), 11) never cooperated in the mountain villages, such as case studies, hear too much. The elucidation of what purpose 草shita this paper is still traditional production in poor rural area of study, by immigrants from the cities, how to have been handed down.Measures of Wakayama Prefecture on II. mountain village residentsWakayama Prefecture in a typical urban agricultural mountain village residents are working on an ambitious; And settlement Promotion Division in the agriculture, forestry and Fisheries Department, employment counseling and life experience training 1, 2) settled for agro-forestry compound management support 1, 3) doing the work, such as providing information of regional products.Table 1 in Wakayama Prefecture, residents promoting Division, Wakayama Prefecture UJI turn manual brochure publishing, but is charcoal of urban immigrants skills from this booklet,With thriving 4 municipal art tradition, showed its own resettlement measures.Everyone will eat.According to this lot of Quercus phillyraeoides stand wood minabegawa, Wakayama, Tanabe city, Kishu binchotanOh thank youCompared to the core production, the implementation measures around Nakatsu and OTO villages, urban areaIs positive, attention should be paid on time. Bincho charcoal by the migration of city dwellers of the technology transfer 425Table 1 Wakayama in their own permanent measures listMunicipality name item support activities1 of Nakatsu village birth child. 30000 JPY Support system 2. 30000 JPY 3子 or later. 100000 Yen Regarding Kishu binchotan charcoal built kiln accessibility to industrial promotion. 10-$300000 The legend of the support system in Kishu binchotan charcoal charcoal technology to... Charcoal training center building Training period: typically one year Fallow land rent system. Area 1000 Rent (1000 / 11800 yen per year) Wage subsidies to forestry cooperative workers, etc.. Grant period: recruitment after 3 years Grant rate: 3 / 10 within3 on the southern Kawamura birth child. 300000 Yen Support system for 4 children later. $ 800000Tanabe city employment study on concerning Kishu binchotan charcoal successor Development Fund grants The support system. Kishu binchotan charcoal new workers for, Tanabe, charcoal production partnership Those charcoal-making skills and assist in teaching materials. $ 300000 per yearBig young wedding celebration gold on Tower village wedding (16-40 years). 100000 yen for the wedding celebration Support system matchmaking rewards 50000 Yen 3 child childbirth. 200000 Yen Support system for 4 children. 300000 Yen 5 children. 500000 Yen Young settled encouraging gold (graduates) on the move. 200000 Yen Support system youth moving into encouraging gold (singles). 200000 yen (family). 250000 Yen Work study on concerning new farmers. And engage in at least 60 days per year, farming more than 10 a, or Assistance to Taha are engaged in forestry over 60 days per year. 200000 Yen Incentives on youth housing measures (16 to less than 40 years old) Supporting system construction and purchase (more than 70). 800000 yen, JI 1 million yen Extension (50 or more). 400000 yen, JI 500000 Yen Sky shop renovation. 400000 yen, JI 500000 YenNote), Wakayama Prefecture, residents promoting Division (2003): from the Wakayama UJI turn manual creation Charcoal area in Wakayama PrefectureWakayama Prefecture known as production regions of uniform high grade charcoal in Kishu binchotan, in the production of charcoal as a whole country 8... 1 percent, Japan's third largest producing gold. 426 Matsuyama University review vol. 17 No. 2Table 2 national top ten prefectures charcoal production (2003)Prefecture name charcoal production amount nationwide ratio solubilized t charcoal t1 Iwate 5, 070, 23. 8% 43 (0. 8) 5027 (99. 2)2 Hokkaido 3, 592 16. 8 3 (0. 1) 3589 (99. 9)3 Wakayama 1, 735 8. 1 1675 (96. 5) 60 (3. 5)4 pears 1, 267 5. 9 5 (0. 4) 1262 (99. 6)5 Fukushima 991 4. 2 50 (5. 5) 861 (94. 6)6 Kochi 831 3. 9 520 (62. 5) 311 (37. 4)7 Kumamoto 684 3. 2 684 (100. 0)8 Tochigi 589 2. 7 33 (5. 6) 556 (94. 4)9 Miyazaki 579 2. 7 473 (81. 6) 106 (18. 3)10 horse group 418 1. 9 7 (1. 6) 411 (98. 3)21, 300 3782 (17. 7%) 17919 (82. 3%)Note) by the forestry agency, minor forest Office. Solubilized and charcoal () refers to the ratio of its production within.Is ranked second of Iwate Prefecture and Hokkaido and charcoal production areas, whereas various Prefecture of Wakayama and Kochi and Miyazaki finest producing areas, especially Wakayama Prefecture's 44 national solubilized. Accounted for 2% of production, has gained a reputation as a high-quality charcoal production.Charcoal kilns and charcoal from the manufacturing process to produce in a kiln in the fire solubilized to produce fire extinguishers in the minutes have been classified, the Kishu binchotan charcoal is representative of the finest. Figure 1 shows the trends in the production of solubilized in Wakayama Prefecture, according to which, in 1940, was at the zenith of charcoal production (t)25000 Of the finest production of Figure 1, Wakayama Prefecture (1925-2002) 2000015000100005000 0One one one one99 992-4-5-59 0 0 5 One one one one one one 99 99 99 6 7 8 8 8 8 5 5 5 6 7 8 One one one nine 89 99 99 0 1 1 1 1 99 99 99 f. 4 One one one one one 99 99 99 99 99 5 6 7 89 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Note), Wakayama Prefecture, special forest products supply and demand dynamics study Bincho charcoal by the migration of city dwellers of the technology transfer 42724184 t production, which was fuel revolution since the 1960s, due to receiving, in 1975, 2740 t and peak 8. And then drops to 3%, and thereafter remained under 2500 t, has become a 1632 t in 2002.Figure 2 Wakayama city by charcoal production (1960)County boundary Kanaya-machiNakatsu, Wakayama Municipal boundariesCharcoal production (15 kg bag)100 sacks5010 Kawanabe-Cho, Inami-Cho Minabegawa, Wakayama Nakahechi, Wakayama Tanabe Daito village Kozagawa Nachi-Katsuura town Hikigawa,Susami, Wakayama0 20 d 428 Matsuyama University review vol. 17 No. 2Figure 3 Wakayama city by charcoal production (2003)County boundaryMunicipal boundariesCharcoal solubilized Nakatsu, Wakayama 300 t1003010 Kawanabe-Cho,Minabegawa, Wakayama Inami-Cho Tanabe Daito villageHikigawa,Susami, Wakayama0 20 dNote) create a special forest products supply and demand study, Wakayama Prefecture Bincho charcoal by the migration of city dwellers of the technology transfer 429Figure 2 shows the distribution of the fuel before the revolution of 1960 in Wakayama Prefecture, municipality of charcoal production, but according to this charcoal-making area, Wakayama Prefecture, reveals that was widely deployed in Wakayama Prefecture in the southern mountain village. Minabegawa, superior ingredients Quercus phillyraeoides stand Figure 3 shows in 2003, Wakayama Prefecture, municipality of charcoal production, and Tanabe, mainly North South from the village of Nakatsu, Daito village, susami, Wakayama Prefecture, Central Mountain concentrated in or I can find. Kishu binchotan charcoal method(A) characteristics of the Kishu binchotan charcoalSolubilized Quercus phillyraeoides mainly to carbon in the charcoal,, eel, fish such as VTech directly on heating, cooking pottery for fuel heating effect of many experimental examples. Radiation energy measured 2-lot of 6 microns wavelength radiation. It can be said that this radiation is absorbed into the meat, easier to increase surface temperatures, hardened and difficult to put the ingredients inside the outside. 1, ingredients, amino acids are generated by thermally decomposing inside the meat proteins. 4) (B) in Kishu binchotan charcoal production[Kiln]Charcoal production starts in the kiln, first of all. Figure 4 bincho indicates the structure of the kiln. Plane in fig-kiln mouth up to the chimney mouth 2 m80m long, longitudinal section of coking Chamber height is 2 m or more in is approximately 1 ton (15 bales taking about 60 bales) of coal amount Photo 1-southern River murashima, bincho charcoal application in construction(3/2004)Built in tile and clay, kiln bincho charcoal new entrants (55 years old) 430 Matsuyama University review vol. 17 No. 2Figure 4 Kishu binchotan kiln construction Note) reprinted from the "world of Kishu binchotan" p.10, Tanabe-City Economic Department Agriculture and forestry (1999)The application in General. Application is made based on the experience of each charcoal, 1000 times.It was then Must endure to reach high temperatures on the seminal clay on stone or brick wall covering.Shall be made. Kiln durability period is shorter, the ceiling is 3-long wide kiln is four years, and shall fix the build 14015 years. Rebuilding the kiln, kiln of the original soil over breaking that increases the durability of new soil, and use. Bincho charcoal by the migration of city dwellers of the technology transfer 431[Timber logging and wood manufacturing.Raw material for charcoal is mainly Quercus phillyraeoides, be widely distributed in the Central Southern Wakayama Prefecture, as shown in Figure 5. Quercus phillyraeoides Wakayama settlement characteristics of Quercus phillyraeoides is hard, heavy, floating in the water, that is widely distributed in coastal and inland areas, is what was natural and artificial planting. Tanabe city akitsu River core producing charcoal andFigure 5 Wakayama Quercus phillyraeoides stand (1996) Remaining in the coastal breeze weights in Quercus phillyraeoides sprouting hampered development were charcoal wood forestThe Quercus phillyraeoides forest zone 0 20 d Note) goto s. (1996): Quercus phillyraeoides stand survey.(Kishu binchotan charcoal Kumano Conference Executive Committee: "the world of Kishu binchotan charcoal.) 432 Matsuyama University review vol. 17 No. 2 Minabegawa, Wakayama, shown in Figure 9 in the selection 伐林 style, 8-10 felled every, 25 years three times in about of selection cutting is not really well, very intensive new updates have been made. Quercus phillyraeoides stand is what timber to be sold as a kiln-baked mountains had hoops, charcoal is mountain Lord from selection tree can manage obligations
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Technology tradition of charcoal by Yamamura migration of urban residents
- Wakayama Prefecture, central mountain village of case - Shino original heavy law I Introduction Currently, the rural fishing village in Japan suffer from the aging of the population decline and population, depopulation problem in depth is the time. However, on the other hand it has also increased interest in the rural areas of urban residents we can say. According to the 2004 agriculture and forestry white paper, many consumers are evaluating the safety and quality of domestic agricultural products, it is pointed out that there are many voices to want to buy even more expensive than imported goods. Able to expand the sales strategy, such as to further enhance the consumer interest in domestic products, we have the need for the activation of the future of agriculture 1. ) author of academic life, begin to fieldwork 2) of the pre-modern manufacturing charcoal form of Shoko system that was seen under the 1962 work school. The Shoko system, poor manufacturing charcoal who slavery in coal wholesaler is a master is to Iriyama vast national forests was Haraisage to coal wholesaler, it is made ​​of charcoal form want to wage grilled charcoal. Although Seisumi work is Itonama through almost a year, in the meantime of life food and daily commodities required is advance loan in kind from the master. Its getting an advance product fee Bon and cough humps but is liquidated Secchi baked minute (grilled fare), Nakaniwa it is a lot of getting an advance goods bill, the next time you Iriyama in national forests was Haraisage to master, mountain from the mountain 3) Moi bright sunset only person to Seisumi breadwinner while moving to. Made Sumi-gyo of Shikoku southwest region, since it was confirmed that the technically have been propagated from the mountain village of Shikoku southeast region, and go on a survey of manufacturing Sumi-gyo of Shikoku southeast region. Preparation of charcoal that has developed there than was found to have been propagated from 1912 Wakayama Prefecture, in the early of 1965, we went to Akizugawa district survey of Tanabe, Wakayama Prefecture. Akitsu 424 Matsuyama University Journal 17 Volume No. 2 process technology of charcoal of the river district, but were those very excellence, institutions bequeathed from the past 4) of Shoko system, which was dependent on firewood charcoal quotient was seen there. Author of the study from around 2000, Agriculture, Forestry and direct sales and Rural research 5 Ken activation of seafood), but to migrate to 9) in, and Akizugawa of Tanabe, Wakayama Prefecture in 2003, 2004, contact next to there to Minabegawa village, and go to plum cultivation and sale and activation of the mountain village survey, there migrants from the city, and many witnessed the appearance that working hard in the production of charcoal, the production of traditional charcoal in that it is continued by manufacturing charcoal who have emigrated, was remembered commissioned academic Xing taste. In such traditional crafts of production, by the apprenticeship system, is that the technology is transferred to the new entrants, but 1,0) A number of studies found, in 11) rural areas, such cases Research was carried out in the limited information, but does not hear much. The purpose of this paper was grass, traditional production technology in still poor rural of case studies, by immigrants from the city, located in the elucidation of how they are handed down. Ⅱ Wakayama Prefecture of measures on mountain village settled Wakayama Prefecture Ru Oh a typical province are working enthusiastically to the rural settlement of urban residents. Is in the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Department has settled Development Division, employment counseling and life experience training 1, 2) agriculture and forestry complex management support for the settlement 1,3) and doing business, such as providing information of local specialty products. In Wakayama Prefecture settled Development Division, but have issued a booklet called Wakayama Prefecture UJI turn manual, Table 1, from this booklet, the work of charcoal by migrants of urban residents for the thriving four municipalities of surgery lore, the and it shows the original settlement measures. Mina base side this was due and Minabegawa village and Tanabe, such as the many Kishu charcoal of phillyraeoides forest wood Oto as compared to the core production areas, in Nakatsu village and Oto village near the, it introduced measures of urban residents There product 's pole speaking, it is where it is noted. Technology lore 425 of the charcoal by Yamamura migration of urban residents Table 1 Wakayama Prefecture own settlement measures List municipality name assistance Item assistance Description of Tsumura birth about 1 child ............ ¥ 30,000 support system 2 children ... ......... ¥ 30,000 3 children later ...... ¥ 100,000 industrial development in related Kishu Charcoal built kiln auxiliary ............... 10-300000 yen to support system Kishu charcoal made ​​charcoal lore ...... made ​​charcoal training of technology architecture of place training period: In principle one year to rent system ............... area 1,000 of idle agricultural land rent (annual 11,800 yen / thousand) wage subsidy ...... grant period to the forest union working group members such as: adopted three years after the subsidy rate: 3/10 within Minabegawa village birth about 3 children ............ ¥ 300,000 support system 4 children later ...... ¥ 800,000 Tanabe City employment enrolled in Seki Kishu charcoal succession planning project cost auxiliary gold to support system ... Kishu charcoal new employment who, in Tanabe charcoal production union members to assist in the hope guidance fees to the guidance of Seisumi technology to people. Year ¥ 300,000 large tower village young marriage cash contribution related to marriage (16 to less than 40 years of age) ...... marriage cash contribution ¥ 100,000 support system marriage honorarium ¥ 50,000 3 children ...... ¥ 200,000 related to childbirth support system 4 children ...... 300 000 circle 5 children ...... ¥ 500,000 young people settled incentives on transference (graduates) ................................. ¥ 200,000 support systems young people move in incentives (singles) ... ¥ 200,000 (family) ...... ¥ 250,000 engaged employment enrolled in Seki new farmers ...... year more than 60 days, 10a more than farming, or other support system that is ... those that have been engaged in more than 60 days per year on forestry ¥ 200,000 youth housing measures on housing incentives (16 to less than 40 years) support system construction and purchase (70 or more) ... general ¥ 800,000, ¥ 1,000,000 rural areas extension (more than 50) ............... general ¥ 400,000, rural areas ¥ 500,000 empty shop renovation ........................ general ¥ 400,000, rural areas ¥ 500,000 Note) Wakayama Prefecture Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Department settled Development Division (2003): "Wakayama UJI turn manual" than creating Wakayama Prefecture manufacturing coal region of Zenkokuichi luxury Wakayama Prefecture, which is known as the production area of Kishu charcoal is charcoal, accounting for 8.1 percent of the country in the production volume of the entire charcoal, proud of the production volume of the national third place. 426 Matsuyama University Journal 17 Volume No. 2 charcoal production of Table 2 national top 10 Prefecture (2003) prefecture name charcoal production volume t nationwide ratio hard charcoal black coal t t 1 rock hand 5,070 23.8% 43 (0. 8) 5,027 (99.2) 2 Hokkaido 3,592 16.8 3 (0.1) 3,589 (99.9) 3 Wakayama 1,735 8.1 1,675 (96.5) 60 ( 3.5) 4 mountain pear 1,267 5.9 5 (0.4) 1,262 (99.6) 5 Fukushima 991 4.2 50 (5.5) 861 (94.6) 6 Kochi 831 3.9 520 (62.5) 311 (37.4) 7 bear this 684 3.2 684 (100.0) 8 Tochigi 589 2.7 33 (5.6) 556 (94.4) 9 Miyazaki 579 2.7 473 (81.6) 106 (18.3) 10 Gunma 418 1.9 7 (1.6) 411 (98.3) all countries 21,300 3,782 (17.7%) 17 , 519 (82.3%) Note) The Forestry Agency, due to non - timber forest measures room materials. Of hard charcoal-black coal in () it shows the production ratio. National 1 and 2-position of the Iwate Prefecture and Hokkaido whereas a black coal production area, various prefecture of Wakayama, Kochi, Miyazaki is a production area of hard charcoal, especially Wakayama Prefecture 44.2 percent of the country of hard charcoal accounting for the production, it has gained a reputation as a producer of high-grade charcoal. Charcoal is classified as hard charcoal to produce in black coal and Kama-gai fire fighting to produce kiln in fire fighting from their preparation, but Kishu Charcoal is a representative of hard charcoal. Figure 1 shows the transition of the production volume of hard charcoal of Wakayama Prefecture, according to this, in 1940 it was the golden age of charcoal production (t) 25,000 Changes in Figure 1, Wakayama Prefecture of hard charcoal production (1925 ~ 2002) 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 one thousand one hundred and eleven nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine two thousand four hundred fifty-five nine thousand and five 一1,111,199,999,967,888 8,555,678 111,999,899,901 111,999,999,234 1,111,199,999,999,995,678 nine two two two Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes twelve Note) by Wakayama Prefecture special forest products supply and demand dynamics investigation charcoal technology lore 427 by Yamamura migration of city residents have been boasts a production of 24,184t, from 1960 around only receive the tilt of the fuel revolution, in 1975 it was reduced to 8.3% of 2,740t and its heyday, it remained in the subsequent 2,500t or less, and in 2002 has become a 1,632t. Figure 2 production volume of Wakayama Prefecture municipal charcoal (1960) county boundaries Kanaya-cho Nakatsu village municipal boundaries charcoal production volume (15kg bales) 100 thousand bales 50 10 Kawabe-cho Inami-cho Minabegawa village Nakahechi Tanabe Oto Village kozagawa Nachi Katsuura-cho Hikigawa susami 0 20d 428 Matsuyama Journal 17 Volume No. 2 municipal charcoal production volume of Figure 3, Wakayama Prefecture (2003) county boundary municipal boundary black coal hard charcoal Nakatsu village 300T 100 30 10 Kawabe-cho Minabegawa village Inami-cho Tanabe Oto Village Hikigawa susami 0 20d Note) Wakayama Prefecture, special forest products supply and demand dynamics survey created than technology lore 429 of charcoal by Yamamura migration of urban residents 2 fuel revolution earlier in 1960 in Wakayama Prefecture municipal charcoal It shows the distribution of production volume, but according to this manufacturing coal region of Wakayama Prefecture, it can be seen that have been widely deployed in the middle and southern part of the mountain village, Wakayama Prefecture. Although FIG. 3 shows the municipal of charcoal production volume of Wakayama Prefecture in 2003 currently, mainly in Minabegawa Village and Tanabe to excellence of phillyraeoides forests of raw materials, north of the village Nakatsu, south to Oto Village and susami reach and it can be understood that it is not concentrated in Wakayama Prefecture, central mountain village. Kishu charcoal manufacturing charcoal method of (a) Kishu Charcoal characteristics charcoal is a hard charcoal mainly to the phillyraeoides with carbonaceous material, eel, direct heating of fish such as bi fearless, at the optimum fuel to grilled dishes , there are a number of experimental examples For information on the heating effect. Its radiation of a wavelength of 2-6 microns where the radiant energy is measured frequently. The radiation is absorbed by the meat, easily the surface temperature increases, the cured and being less put the inside of the flavor components to the outside in. Protein of the inside of the meat is thermally decomposed, umami component, 1.4 that the amino acid is produced) (b) Kishu charcoal production process [built kiln] production of charcoal, first begins to built kiln. Figure 4 shows the structure of bincho kiln. The plane is a single-shaft, from the kiln opening to smoke Michiguchi enough 2m80m, the height of the carbonization chamber and see a vertical cross-sectional view is Ri 2m extra der, out of about 1t before and after (the two 15 bales to about 60 bales) coal amount of construction of charcoal Sumigama in Photo 1 Minabegawa village Shimanose (March 2004) built with tile and clay, charcoal newcomers kiln (55 years) 430 Matsuyama University Journal 17 Volume No. 2 Figure 4 Kishu structure of bincho kiln Note) Tanabe Economic Department of Agriculture, Forestry Division (1999), "Kishu charcoal of the world" p.10 than reprint Sumigama is common. Sumigama is made ​​on the basis of the experience of each made ​​of charcoal's 1,000 degrees or more and I et al must be endured in seminal to reach the high temperature on the inner wall of stone or brick and covered with clay and are made ​​to. Endurance period of the kiln is short, the ceiling portion 3-4 years, the entire kiln must be re-built in about long and 14 and 15 years. Reconstruction of the kiln, when in had finely crushed the original kiln of soil use to mix the new soil of improving the durability. City charcoal technology lore 431 by Yamamura migration of residents [wood logging and wood manufacturing] raw material for charcoal is primarily a phillyraeoides, as shown in FIG. 5, is distributed widely in the southern mid Wakayama Prefecture. Features of phillyraeoides heavy and hard, and that under-precipitation even floated on water, phillyraeoides of Wakayama Prefecture, widely distributed in coastal areas, inland, there are things that are natural forests and artificial planting. Is the core production areas of charcoal Tanabe Akizugawa and Figure 5 Wakayama Prefecture phillyraeoides forest (in 1996) the remaining in the raw wood forests of coastal wind衡地phillyraeoides sprout forest zone the grown charcoal of phillyraeoides forest area that is 0 20d Note) Shin Goto (1996): by phillyraeoides forest survey. (Kishu charcoal Kumano conference executive committee: "Kishu charcoal of the world") 432 Matsuyama University Journal 17 Volume No. 2 in the Minabegawa village, in the selection forest tailoring as shown in FIG. 9, felling every eight to ten years It is, that had been selective logging three times in about '25, have been made ​​very intensive sprout update. Phillyraeoides forests but raw wood as what kiln worth grilled mountain have been buying and selling, manufacturing charcoal's obligation be from択木management Yamanushi

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Central village in Wakayama Prefecture technical
―― charcoal case law -- it is it I Shinohara heavy cord words as ,

by rural citizens from the aging of the population decline and the population of Japan , rural depopulation problems in depth. However, it can be said that the interest , rural to urban residents, and on the other hand. Forestry and paper industry , in 2004 and many consumers and the safety of domestic agricultural products quality evaluation and ,It is pointed out that there are many voices that wants to buy the more expensive imports. , develop sales strategies so as to raise awareness of the domestic consumer needs of future agricultural activity is one). The author's academic life , form before making the modern child system and found in 1962) in the school field. The child , annealing system in large coal warehouse master were sold to poor making coal merchant who served as the Mountain National Forest ,Charcoal is burnt charcoal making preparation for rent. The work is making that had most of the year , food and daily goods at the time of , required to advance in life. In coughing up at the calendar and its advances of product family (baked porcelain tray rent is paid off. , , many advances some supplies charges to the next boss were sold in National Forest in mountain , charcoal-making business while moving from one end to the mountain, 3 person). Charcoal industry in Shikoku, southwest area ,, from southeastern mountainous area since it was confirmed that the propagating technology to the making of Shikoku southeast region. There is developed in the process of charcoal and found to be propagated by Wakayama Prefecture in 1965 , at the beginning of the , went to akidzugawa area in Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture. At akitsu 424 is Matsuyama University Journal, Vol. 17, No. 2 , technology of charcoal of River District in the process , extremely prominent wasThere is a system of the child as a commercial firewood coal workers' 4). The research of the author from 2000 , farmers and agriculture, forestry and Fisheries of vitalizing rural associates 5 and 9), and proceeds to , , akidzugawa Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture in 2003 and 2004 s-61n village next to a contact, and there , , plum cultivation and marketing research revitalization of mountain village and went there from urban migrants in , charcoal production lot, he witnessed the appearance ,, traditional charcoal produced by making a continued to emigrate to want to remember the taste of academic interest. In , of traditional craft production as an apprentice system , by , that joined the new technology introduced in the first , found in many studies. , , 0) in the rural , have never observed in such a case study it is not too much to ask. In this paper, for the purpose of grass , , traditional production technology in the rural poor yet: a case studyFrom the urban migrant and , elucidation is handed down. On rural settlement in Wakayama Prefecture, Wakayama Prefecture measures too rural settlement in urban residents' interest in working in a typical. The agriculture, forestry and Fisheries promotion division, section settlement and employment consultation and training experience , life 1. 2) , forestry compound management support for the settlement of the , 3) regional specialty, such as information operations are carried out. , promotion division, Wakayama Prefecture.A booklet called from Wakayama Prefecture UJI turn manual , 1 , tables from this booklet , by immigrants of urban residents of martial art tradition of charcoal at the four municipalities of , shown in the original settlement measures. Tanabe city and village as a , s-61n at all to this side and , than at the core place of production of Quercus phillyraeoides forest of wood charcoal. Oh, Nakatsu village of oto village , measures of urban residents and very well in the , to be noticed. Is the.By the migration of city residents in the village of charcoal technology transfer by 425 items name too, Wakayama Prefecture Branch Table 1 lists of your own too settlement measures on delivery volume of Tsu in village in support of one child... 3. 2 million yen for a child... After the 3 million yen... 3... 10 million yen in charcoal kiln relates to auxiliary industry promotion...,... At 10 to 30 million yen for charcoal making technology support system of... Architecture internship at the Training Institute: principles of making one year lease system of idle land...,... The area to , atPay rent subsidies to forestry workers, including thousands of years , (800 yen... Grant: adoption rate after 3 years assistant: 3 s-61n within 10 at the village child birth... On... 30 million yen after the child support system... At... Support system in the school work at 80 million yen, around the field, relates the successor charcoal grants to develop at the cost of... , charcoal for the new workers in the city of charcoal production at the union members have to assist the teaching of making technical guidance. At 30 million years.Young wedding gift money on Large Tower Village wedding (16 to less than 40 years old... Wedding gift money 10 million yen at 5 million yen reward system for marriage at the birth of a child 3... 20 million yen at the fourth child support system... At 5: 30 million yen... Young people resettlement subsidy of 50 million yen (c) move in at...;...;... Young people at the new incentive system 20 million yen (singles)... 20 million yen (family)... 25 million yen in new school employment relates farmer... More than 60 years , more than 10 days in a farm , into.The system is supported by more than 60 years, engaged in Forestry... The youth housing subsidy measures about 20 million yen at the housing (16 to less than 40 years old, including system architecture, the purchase (70)... 80 million yen at the general , yen (more than 50 million rural extension),...,... 40 million yen is generally 50 million yen , Outland at the vacant house reconstruction;...;... 40 million yen, the rural public , 50 million yen note) settlement promotion division, Department of agriculture, forestry and Fisheries (2003): "manual" UJI turn creates stress, Wakayama, Wakayama Prefecture is known as a production area of charcoal and charcoal is one area of Wakayama Prefecture too high quality charcoal , in overall production of charcoal 8.1 occupies the national production to a third position. Production of charcoal 10 national senior too at the table 2 is 426, Matsuyama University Journal, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2003, the amount of charcoal production name RI t t t ratio white charcoal black country rock hand 1 5 , 070 23.8 43 (0.8) 5 (2 , 99.2 Hokkaido ,16.8 592 (0.1 589 (3) , 99.9 3 1 1, 735, Wakayama , 8.1 , 675 (60 96.5 (4), including 3.5 pear 1 , 5.9 267 (0.4 262) , 991 Island (including 99.6 5 Fu (4.2 5.5 861 (50), including high 94.6 831 3.9 520 knowledge the (311 62.5 (7), including 37.4 684 3.2 684 (including 100.0 bearHorse chestnut tree 2.7 8 589 (5.6 556 (9) 94.4 palace, including Qi (579 2.7 473 81.6 418) 106 (including 18.3 group (10 1.9 1.6), all countries, including 98.3 21 , 300 percent to 17 (3 , 782 17.7 , 519 (note 82.3%)
) forestry agency , by chamber Countermeasures of non-wood forest products. The white charcoal, charcoal () in its production. It is the national level 1 and 2 of the Iwate Prefecture and Hokkaido in black coal production area for ,Wakayama high intelligence, Miyazaki 諸県 white charcoal production in the area of Wakayama Prefecture , especially 44.2 white charcoal production of national accounts , quality production of charcoal and reputation. A method for producing a charcoal , from minutes to produce white charcoal black charcoal kiln with outer fire extinguishing and fire in a kiln in the white charcoal, charcoal. Fig. 1 is a , in Wakayama Prefecture, the transition of the production amount of hard charcoal in , according to this, the golden age of charcoal production was in 1940, youtube, including 25 000 t stress at the , atThe trend of output of Fig. 1, white charcoal, 2002, including 20 000 , fifteen 10 000 000 , too too too , 5 000 , at 1 0. 1) at nine nine nine nine two five at four or five at the 2005 too at one (1) 1) I nine nine nine nine nine six seven eight eight eight eight five six seven eight nine too at one (1) nine eight nine nine nine nine nine one too. One two three four nine nine nine nine too at one (1) 1) nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine five or six seven eight nine too.
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