36/141第三章 両親の故郷の地で第30話 両親の足跡 リオが精霊の民の里を出てから既に半年以上が経過した。 風の精霊術で空を飛ぶことがで dịch - 36/141第三章 両親の故郷の地で第30話 両親の足跡 リオが精霊の民の里を出てから既に半年以上が経過した。 風の精霊術で空を飛ぶことがで Anh làm thế nào để nói

36/141第三章 両親の故郷の地で第30話 両親の足跡 リオが精霊の

第三章 両親の故郷の地で
第30話 両親の足跡





「えっと、お客さんかな? 見たところ商人ってわけじゃなさそうですけど、武士様でもお侍様でもない……ですよね? 浪人さん……か、旅人さんですか?」



「あ、は、はい! そうですけど……」




「よろしければ案内していただいてもよろしいでしょうか? いきなり訪ねるとあまり良い顔をしない方もいらっしゃるものでして」


「あ、はい! じゃあ、えっと、付いて来てください」


「お婆ちゃん! お客さんだよ~! 何か人探しをしているんだって~」


「そんなに大きな声を出さずとも聞こえておるわ。客だと、行商人じゃなくてか? ……おや、あんたは……見かけない顔だね」






「では、早速ですがお尋ねしたいことがあります。ゼンという男とアヤメという女性に心当たりはないでしょうか? 少なくとも十五年以上前にヤグモのどこかで暮らしていたはずなのですが」


「……ゼン? ゼンだって? それにアヤメ様だと……」














「え~? わかったけど……。ちぇ。ちょっと面白そうな感じなのに」






「悪いがそれを教えてくれるかい? 私はあんたが本当にあの二人の息子か測りかねていてね」

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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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36 / 141In the hometown of his parents of Chapter 3No. 30 talking about parents ' footsteps Out of the Rio spirit village already more than six months have passed. Be able to fly in the spirit of the wind, the speed of Rio will be at rising out of the village of spirits, in just 1 week to reach yagumo. Yagumo with uphill a continent East of the region collectively, and there are big and small countries there are 30 or more. Strahl region is different from money no guilds of merchants and adventurers Guild organization as Strahl regional yagumo district in Galax, Bertram, is used. In addition, yagumo local uses by Strahl regional human and peoples of different languages are used. However, yagumo language and through Ursula in the oldest people of the spirit living a long time, had learned the words from Ursula in daily conversation level. Now that sound awkward, but everyday conversations is not enough is learned words. Rio yagumo each nation from the West to standardize local residents, name of the parents to listen to, or didn't know, was looking for. However, no clue to parents from beyond their local names that parents called yagumo, struggling to search the status quo. It's yagumo region near 30 big and small nations exist. There is no doubt that say equal to find the needle in the desert among countries that only two people seeking work, even very difficult. Is time Rio will stay in one State from approximately January February degree, and had already been touring four countries. Characterized by yagumo configure each nation, each spread satellite giant cities and the surrounding towns and villages there. Now, Rio, Kaliski and called National City and headed so far came in large villages located around a little bit. According to heard Kaliski than cities ever came around Rio said people there were in the same League. Other cities may get information for parents may be higher. Rio was thinking and cannot ask for all human beings, even if we stayed a little longer to try might be nice. But ahead of that now in the village in front of the information need to collect. 立ち並ぶ家屋の数からして人口は三百人程度といったところか。 村を囲むように柵が展開しており、集落の中心部には木材、石灰、粘土等によって作られた少しばかり粗末な家屋が立ち並んでいる。 そして居住地域を取り囲むように田園、放牧地、家畜小屋が散在しており、リオの視界に耕作地と放牧地でちらほらと人が作業しているのが映った。 どこにでもあるような素朴な村の光景である。 村の入口へとリオが足を運ぶ。 見張りの人員は配置されておらず自由に出入りができるが、部外者がやって来たことに気づいた人間達が遠巻きにリオのことを見つめている。 思わず足を踏み入れることを躊躇してしまいそうな雰囲気だが、このまま立ち去るわけにもいかない。 手早く用件を済ませようとリオは村の中へと足を踏み入れた。 村の中心部を見渡し、村長宅と思しき一際大きめな家を発見すると、真っ直ぐとそちらへ歩き出す。「えっと、お客さんかな? 見たところ商人ってわけじゃなさそうですけど、武士様でもお侍様でもない……ですよね? 浪人さん……か、旅人さんですか?」 すると、リオと同年代と思われる少女が不思議そうな顔をしてリオに声をかけてきた。 珍しい。 リオはそう思った。 大抵はこちらから話しかけない限り村人の方から話しかけてくることはないものだ。 話しかけたとしてもどこか余所余所しい態度をとられるのが普通である。 少女は、服装は質素で、農作業等をしているせいか多少は肌荒れもしているようだが、短髪が良く似合い、愛らしい顔立ちと人懐っこさを感じさせる子だった。 ちなみに、武士とはベルトラム王国やガルアーク王国でいうところの騎士と同じ役職だ。侍は武士の下に就く一般の兵士よりは高位の身分にある者をいう。浪人は冒険者のようなものである。 武装はしているが、リオの見た目はこの国の標準的な武士や侍の恰好からはかけ離れていた。 というよりもこの国の武装スタイルからおよそかけ離れたものになっている。 少女はリオがどこか異国の地からやって来た旅人かとあたりをつけた。「はい、まぁそんなものです。実は人探しをしていまして。この村の村長とお会いしたいのですが、あちらが村長宅でよろしいでしょうか?」「あ、は、はい! そうですけど……」 荒事になれた浪人や旅人とは思えぬリオの丁寧な物腰に、少女が畏まったように返事をする。"It was good. The Mayor is at home? 」"Oh and Yes. The is? 」 Cocked her neck or deemed amended the wording, said the girl in question.See also our guide if you don't mind?? One may visit suddenly and does not look much better. And, said Rio is really in trouble somewhere. 不審garu if you visited much act as liaison officer in the village headman, however, a complete outsider suddenly, that again and again experienced in this journey. To smoothly meet her there was win-win for Rio."Oh, Yes! So, eh, follow me " Then girl without face especially hates me accept Rio's request. Rio will walk to the village chief's House, was guided by the girl. Silent girl is nervous as to where or is way interested in several times deep gaze Rio turned. Unusual beings who come from outside who otherwise would've thought Rio just arrived to the village chief's House."My grandmother! Customers! ~! People are looking for something to say-" Walk into the Mayor's House and loud girl, called the Mayor. 建物に入ってすぐの位置には広間があり、中央に暖をとる囲炉裏が設置されている。

「そんなに大きな声を出さずとも聞こえておるわ。客だと、行商人じゃなくてか? ……おや、あんたは……見かけない顔だね」






「では、早速ですがお尋ねしたいことがあります。ゼンという男とアヤメという女性に心当たりはないでしょうか? 少なくとも十五年以上前にヤグモのどこかで暮らしていたはずなのですが」


「……ゼン? ゼンだって? それにアヤメ様だと……」














「え~? わかったけど……。ちぇ。ちょっと面白そうな感じなのに」






「悪いがそれを教えてくれるかい? 私はあんたが本当にあの二人の息子か測りかねていてね」

đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Chapter III home in the land of the parents
the first 30 episodes parents of footprints
Rio has passed already more than half a year after leaving the village of spirit of the people.
Will be able to fly in the sky in the spirit surgery of the wind, the movement speed of the Rio rose at different levels, so that the arrival to the Yagumo only in about one week out of the village of the spirits of the people. Yagumo and is a generic term for user Philia continent east provinces, there are large and small countries also exist thirty or more. Yagumo is in a rural location there is no organization such as Adventurers Guild and merchants guild as Strahl rural exist Bertram and Garuaku, different from those even money that is being used for Strahl region. Further, in the Yagumo local it has been used a different language from the human family words used in Strahl region. But, it is the most senior of the people of the spirits who live a long time Ursula is also through to the language of the Yagumo, to the extent that it is daily conversation had learned the words from Ursula. Although now pronunciation is awkward, to the extent there is no hindrance in everyday conversation are to learn the words. Rio, when crushed lice each national Yagumo from the West, to hear the name of the parents in the inhabitants of the local, was looking or not is acquaintance. But, there is no clue to know the origin of the parents in addition to the local name of the parents of the name and Yagumo, search is the current situation is that they bogged down. I large and small thirty close state are present in Yagumo region. It's find the only two persons from among the countries of, without speaking until the work equal to find a needle in the desert, it is considerably difficult is no doubt. Rio is the time to stay in one of the state is about two months from approximately one month, it was already around the four countries. The countries who make up the Yagumo, and one huge city of each, which is characterized by some of the city and villages spread to as a satellite around that. Now, Rio is toward the city of the state, called the Karasuki, is where came a little to the large village located in the vicinity. According to the story I heard Karasuki is the different levels as compared to the city that Rio could have extended the lead to up to now that the population is large. A possibility that information of parents can get may be higher than other cities. Even not be able to ask around to all of the human beings, and this might be a good idea to stay a little longer, Rio was thinking. But, now before that it must collect the information in front of the eyes of the village. And from the number of houses lined or population of a place such as three hundred people about. Village has been deployed fence to surround, in the center of the village are lined wood, lime, a little bit shabby houses made ​​by clay and the like. And the countryside so as to surround the residential areas, grazing land, that the barn has scattered, tidbit To people in Rio of sight in the pasture and arable land are working was reflected. Where is the spectacle of the rustic village, such as some even. To the entrance of the village Rio carry foot. Although lookout of personnel can freely enter and exit not arranged, the human who noticed that outsiders came is staring at the thing of Rio afar. It atmosphere which is likely to hesitate to step into involuntarily foot, does not go to this leave leave not. Rio tries to Sumaseyo a quick business is set foot and into the village. Overlooking the center of the village, and to discover the Oboshiki conspicuously large house with the village headman's house, start walking straight and to there. "Well, I is visitor kana? So do not look like I merchant was seen, but it is ...... not a samurai-like, even your samurai like? Or ronin's ..., what traveler's?" Then, Rio and girl who seems to be the same age have been multiplied by the voice in Rio to a mystified look. rare. Rio thought so. Usually is something not to come talk from the side of the villagers as long as you do not talk from here. From being taken not to somewhere another place another place even spoke attitude is common. The girl, dressed in a plain, somewhat probably because it is a farm work, etc., but seems to be rough, suits well short hair, was a child to feel the adorable features and Hitonatsukko of. By the way, the samurai's the same job title, and knight of the place referred to in the Bertram kingdom and Garuaku kingdom. Samurai refers to a person in a high-level of identity than the soldiers of the general to get the bottom of the samurai. Ronin is a kind of adventurer. Armed has been, but the Rio appearance was far from dressed standard samurai and samurai of this country. It has become to those far removed approximately from armed style of this country rather than. The girl was wearing around whether travelers who came from the land of Rio somewhere exotic. "Yes, well it is such a thing. In fact, in I was a looking for people. I'd like to meet you and the village headman of this village, there is one? Are you sure you want at the village headman's house." "Oh, is, yes! That's right but ......" the polite demeanor of Rio, not think the ronin and travelers accustomed to the rough stuff, the answer as the girl was Kashikoma'. "It was good. Village chief What your home?" "Well, yes. Cage you are?" Formal or to the poor the wording, tilting the neck, the girl said in question form. "If it is good you sure you want even if I have to guide? And was also what some people not to suddenly visit and very good face" and, Rio said in somewhere troubled wind. Although much is the village mayor serves as the public relations officer of the village, if suddenly visited complete outsider, because suspicious want is experienced again and again in this journey. The presence of her in order to carry out the interview smoothly was convenient for Rio. "Oh, yes! Well, Well, with Please come." Then the girl told me to accept the request of Rio without also face particularly reluctant. As it is guided by the girl, Rio is going to walk to the village headman's house. Whether the girl is nervous somewhere, I remained silent, but has been directed to the Rio a well along the way many times interesting look. When the man coming from the outside other than the hawkers is a rare wonder that Rio is thought, it was reached just to the village headman's house. "Grandma! ~ Even are you looking ~! Something people I'm the audience." Once inside the village headman's house, I called the village head girl out a loud voice. Is a short position entered the building there is a hall, hearth to keep warm in the center has been installed. "I Nikki so much hear without issued a loud voice. That's customers, peddling people do? ... Oh no 's, Anta' s a face not seen ......" there to represent the one of the old man figure, Rio When you saw the figure, he said smiling dubious look. "Nice to meet you very much. Yourself My name is Rio. After that, your Mishiri every" Rio was a polite greeting as accustomed. "I Did There are Rio .... People of such a such a name in the old days of the king. Innovation, I'm Yuba. Aside whether subsequent Mishiri put,? Any patronage to this Nothing village" and, politely But, old man identified himself as the Yuba was somewhere Ibukashi likely to protest against the decision. Even while a wry smile, again in mind and Do are suspicious seems, promptly Rio in order to become finished the business decided to listen to the same old question. "So, you may want to, but is immediately ask. I think idea to a woman named man and iris that Zen? I supposed was living somewhere in the Yagumo before at least ten more than five years" and, mercenary of mention the name of the person who. Zen and the iris. Rio is the father and mother of the name. I wonder what has been heard many times the same question in the past. Not once that sweet answer to this question in the mouth came back. While I think that it will also come back it is probably something similar response this time, not help without expecting somewhere in the mind. Will be soon that leave from this village if if useless. But, just was not that the expected betray the Rio this time. "...... Zen? ... Zen Even? And it's iris-like" reaction of Yuba in front of the eyes were different from those of Rio until this has been in the eye. The old man knows something clearly. Was the case seems to reaction. "Did you know that happened?!?" I usually also Rio not too upset, ask involuntarily strengthen the tone. "...... You're, what's Chapter?" Yuba has been directed toward the line of sight, such as discern somewhere in Rio. "...... Myself is the two sons" Although troubled little or tell the truth, more than that is the question, would muscle to disclose the information from here. Rio is answer the question think so. "Son .... Anta is ......" and wear look like was somewhere blur, Yuba was watching and staring the Rio systemic to confirm something. "...... Ruri, Anta is Do not go over there." Then, the girl was called Ruri that had made ​​a interesting likely to openly Listen beside, was characterized saying the a collect. "Yeah ~. Is the Why?" And, Ruri said let somewhere malcontent to inflate the cheek. "Because good. I have a important story and this child. I do not you speak the story was here now to guys of the village." "Eh? Know was I .... Choi. Although it is kinda interesting feeling." while saying the rash and complain, Ruri exits to the outside of the house. "In, Anta, it said Rio. You're a real paddle? That I said" sure that the went out Ruri, Yuba has been towards the sharp gaze to Rio. "What is that son of his is Zen and the iris and say what I said a little while ago?" "Oh," and, with a serious look, Yuba answered short. "Yes., But there is nothing that can be proved to say. Because there is no memory of his father, at best mother of Will much talk about a story that I heard from the mother to the features and alive" or tell "bad it? I Anta really we have can not measure whether those two sons " sense of somewhere doubt such a clause in the line of sight of the Yuba

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