アドロード大陸十二章開始です。 ――― フェアリース ――― 母様……お久しぶりです。 そちらはお元気にー……って、これは違いますよね。とに dịch - アドロード大陸十二章開始です。 ――― フェアリース ――― 母様……お久しぶりです。 そちらはお元気にー……って、これは違いますよね。とに Anh làm thế nào để nói

アドロード大陸十二章開始です。 ――― フェアリース ――― 母様……

――― フェアリース ―――


こうして母様の前に立つのは、村を出たあの日以来かな? あの日からもう五年以上も経っているんだね。














……あれ? 言葉は普通なんですけど、シリウスさんの雰囲気が少し違います。覚悟を決めているといいますか、真剣な顔で母様のお墓を見つめています。


その言葉を聞いた瞬間、私の顔が真っ赤に染まったのがわかりました。どうしよう……顔が凄く熱い。それよりどういう事なのかな? まるで本の物語に載ってた、ぷ……プロポー……。

「リース姉大丈夫か? 顔真っ赤だぞ」





――― シリウス ―――



「なあ兄貴、馬車はどうするんだ? 小さな船じゃ乗らないだろ」






「……どんな馬車ですかそれ? ま、まあとにかく問題なさそうなので、明日の朝にまた来てください」





「うひょーっ! 最高だな!」


「現時点で気持ち悪いって感覚はないだろう? そもそも船酔いとはー……」






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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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And Lord continentIt is chapter 12 begins. ------Failing---- Mother-like. Long time no see. There are well-... So, maybe it is not. Anyway it is fine for me. Since that day, leaving the village thus stand in front of the mother? It has been more than 5 years from that date. Things are really out of this village. Easily, but I would like to report. First of all, I met with father. I had a mother like I feel cold at first, but as he was. It is a boast fine supports the country, but there are times when little stifling father. Had a father that hated that left a mother and kept neatly solve the misunderstanding me. Rest assured when you found out the real intention of the mother father, and at the same time was very regretfully. I loved my mother like it. The message also got the father. Rely on us, thank you. I still love you. So that's it. Maybe I am a little jealous. After I went to Elysian's sister to me. It is a great sister me treat me as one of my sisters I'm a respectable person become the next Queen of Elysium, a nice watch. Congenial mother and I'm sure he is, is I wanted to do with the tea party together. Xenia sister around that and melt, and helped a lot of people. It is go to school and made friends. Silver Wolf-tribe girls, say the name Emilia. Silver hair is really beautiful, strong and gentle. I'm a child I feel very congenial. Followers of certain people in the little passion for my husband though is too strong ball error but I'm... Now that is my special friend. Noticing I have a mischievous younger brother that Emilia said reus, but emotionally attached, like a real brother. More like family. I am very happy. An it... I would like some people. I'm SIRIUS-San who is husband of Emilia and reus... So a lot of people's. Friendly people know everything is good at cooking, always cares us. It's what people can see from the heart yearns for the Emilia. And I also... I think said mother's fate that the father and the Sirius's one for me. Pounding and unforgettable night he kidnapped me yet, remember the warm feeling. Anyway I was in Sirius's crazy, and naturally I 追ikakechi eyes. My mother also. I was feeling? Is on right now is the same mother as adventurers, with Sirius's journey. I'm going to visit the graves of my mother and Lord mainland destinations to come to this village. Please rest assured it is with such friendly people. And I also got stronger, we will be stronger.「…… Welcome all you ended up leasing? 」' Yes. So thank you."Is my first guess. Beginning much Laura, my name is Emilia and my name is. Leasing by best friends for me!... " It first began introducing from Emilia's best friend. Really 照remasu. It's my way. Introduction of the shame I have heard of Emilia, followed by reus came out ago."And I'm the next. Well, firstly, sister brother reus says. Lease my sister has always helped. All reus is also same as Emilia and I get embarrassed about said. Gluttony seems unlike Emilia really leaking embarrassing thing. Talk about daily life and I not even know the punishment later. Do not hesitate, and Emilia also has nods."Check! 」 Hokuto, not things I forgot. I'm a werewolf might look scary, but very strong and cute and reasonably priced. Feels when touching the very good feelings and a mother also wanted atmosphere!. And last but not least my..."Nice to meet Laura. My name is the person who has charge of your daughter, and Sirius. …… What's this? Is a common word, but Sirius's atmosphere is a little different. Said taking or looking at my mother's grave by a serious face."Now we are going around the world along with the lease. But you don't have to worry about. Please rest assured I keep failing your daughter. We found the moment when I heard those words, my face is tinged with red. What if...... Face is very hot. From it I mean? As listed in the book's narrative, puffy nipples. Published..."OK lease sister? Red face! ""Oh told the SIRIUS course. It is manly, like SIRIUS."We work..." Mother-like. This is my companion. Send daily surrounded by best friend and the person I love, really fun and fulfilling. So, do not worry about us and please watch. To get married someday, to show my mother like grandchild,... I think maybe a little bit early? Yes to to... Yes, I forget now. But... Louder than words! Then while not flush in the face containmy, but polite happy. ------SIRIUS---- We ended up leasing mother Laura's grave, and one night in the village from the immediately resumed the journey. In the lease saying sorry out of home to lease so stay a couple of days, but no more because of their late journey came from. Spoiled in the term of the lease where I could not travel rush because I decided to. Then, we arrive at the port has regular flights to the continent and Lord moved for a few days. We're still great port and many shops, hotel check-in put in the horse-drawn carriage was walking town while attracting attention in the Hokuto Corporation. On wolves incidentally here and the prostration of Brutes who are also familiar. To ridicule, while face to observe Harbour lined with numerous ships came in, reus, turned his face here."I wish I got to what my brother, horse-drawn carriage? Small boat ride? ""Isn't it. Bear is more like our House and leave, there is no ""Are we of course. Hey, look at this."Oh, it's sister..." I took is the one referral. Ass showing and was stamped on this form of coat of arms of the Elysian to lift on the ship. Seems to be. If the prior consultation, River and the cardeas has prepared tap thing."So ride put the carriage even if you show him the ships. Courtesy from the Royal family and have used do not hesitate and try."As expected / my sister's. Boat ride to think, so for the first time we? 」"So, a little fun." フィアやライオルと出会った時の移動は、空を駆けて渡っていたからな。あれは裏技みたいなものだし、今度こそ本格的にアドロード大陸へ足を踏み入れるわけだ。 そのまましばらく港を散策し、エリュシオンの国章が象られた大きな船を見つけた俺は紹介状片手に交渉を始めた。 結果……あっさりと許可が下りた。むしろ俺達が来るのを待っていたらしい。「聞いていた特徴と一致しますし、シリウス様で間違いありませんね。お待ちしておりました。エリュシオン王から直々の依頼が来てますので、我々が責任を持ってアドロードへと運んで差し上げますよ」「何か……すいません」 リースが小さい声で船長に謝っていた。身内が強引に捻じ込んだみたいで、申し訳ないと思っているに違いない。 出発は明日の朝で、馬車もその時に持ってくればすぐに乗せられるそうだ。「船に乗せるのは貴方達と従魔が一体、それに馬車が一台……と。馬車の大きさと重さはわかりますかね?」「鉄製ですが、通常の馬車とほとんど変わりません。最悪、浮き輪という道具を装着すれば水に浮きますので、船で牽引すれば大丈夫かと」「……どんな馬車ですかそれ? ま、まあとにかく問題なさそうなので、明日の朝にまた来てください」「わかりました。あと、俺達の特徴ってどう聞いているんですか?」「そのマントが何よりの証拠ですが、先に届いたこれに書いてありますよ」 船長から見せてもらった手紙には、確かに俺達の特徴が書いてあったが……纏めるとこんな感じである。 大きな狼を連れ、銀狼族二名を従者にしている黒髪の男性。 そして海よりも青く輝く髪に、聖女に相応しい慈愛と包容力を兼ね備えた女性……と書いてある。 聖女と呼ばれているのは間違っていないが、これはちょっとどうなんだと思いたくなる。リースをべた褒めしている箇所の文字が他と違うので、おそらくリーフェル姫かカーディアスが独自に書いたと思われる。 どちらにしろリースが頭を抱える事に変わりはなく、宿に戻ってから近況報告と抗議が含まれた手紙を彼女が書いたのは言うまでもない。 次の朝。 ガルガン商会の支店にエリュシオンへの手紙を届けるように依頼してから、俺達と馬車を乗せた船は海上へと乗り出していた。 天気は快晴で心地よい日差しが降り注ぐ中、俺は船の手すりに掴まって潮風を感じながらのんびりと海を眺めていた。「うひょーっ! 最高だな!」 船の中央に聳え立つ大きなマストの天辺で、レウスは大声を出しながら大いにはしゃいでいた。安全ロープも付けずに不安定な箇所で仁王立ちしているが、レウスのバランス感覚なら問題あるまい。 ホクトは甲板の一角を陣取って日向ぼっこである。船は定期便でもあるので、他の乗客や船乗りが興味深そうにホクトへ視線を向けているが、やはり怖いのか誰も近寄ろうとしない。風で毛が乱れているし、後でブラッシングをしてあげないとな。 リースは俺の隣に立ち、目を瞑って気持ち良さそうに風を感じていた。リースの青い髪が風で靡く姿は綺麗で、ちょっとだけ見惚れてしまった。この光景を写真に撮って、父親と姉に送りつけたら悶え死にするんじゃないかな。 そんなくだらない事を考えている俺と視線が合ったリースは、何かを思い出したように手を叩いて疑問をぶつけてきた。「そういえば父様から聞いたのですけど、初めて船に乗る人は船酔いという病気にかかると聞きました。私達は大丈夫なのでしょうか?」「現時点で気持ち悪いって感覚はないだろう? そもそも船酔いとはー……」 簡単に説明すると、船酔いとは船の揺れにより平衡感覚が狂ったりして起こる症状だ。俺の弟子達はその平衡感覚さえも鍛えているので、船酔いになる可能性は極端に少ない筈だ。俺の説明にリースは感嘆の声を上げながら何度も頷いていた。 それにしても、病気や治療に関しては本当に貪欲な子だ。治療魔法の達人だし、このまま学び続ければ世界中に名を馳せる医者になれるかもしれない。彼女がそれを目指しているかどうかわからないが、目標を見つけたら全力で応援してやらなければ。





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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Adorodo continent
is sufficient second chapter start.
--- Fair lease --- is a mother-like ...... Long time no see. There is I your healthy knee ..., this is I think you the difference. Anyway who I am fine. Thus stand in front of the mother-like, how since that day coming out of the village? It's also after more than another five years from that day. Really there was a lot of things since I left this village. But briefly, I would like to report. First we meet with the father. But first, it was somewhat cold, was the one who of the street that Mother had to say. But there are times when a little sultry, boasts of father that support respectable country. Father, but I had thought to have been Ulama that went at a mother-like, I've I properly can solve the misunderstanding. Father of the time who knew the mother-like real intention, was not at the same time very regret when you peace of mind. I I was not much loved mother-like. What got also message from his father. Thank you for relying in. Even ...... I love you still. It might get a little burnt. From to go to Elysium, was able sister like me. I'm fine one who is not in the Queen of the next Elysium, is me treated as a sister of one person under .., gently watched by us wonderful sister. Because it is a personage that fits the surely care and mother-like, I wanted to try to Toka tea party together. Other was also helped by various people and Xenia and melt who are around the sister-like. Then the so go to school, I was able to be friends. A girl of silver wolf family, the name Are says Emilia. Silver hair is a very clean, I'm a child to meet the strong and gentle and ...... somehow really care. In the servant of the people shall be deemed to be replaced, in the little ...... now I'm flaws in the ball of the feelings for my husband too strong is my precious friends. I do have a naughty brother say that the Emilia Reus, is Huaihua you notice the like a real brother. Really happy ...... in like family has increased. So you have can also ne ...... like people. ...... Very great person of I'm a man I Sirius's in Emilia and Reus of the master. Strongly knew anything, cooking is a good, friendly people who we always care about. Emilia'm person who understands well that yearns sincerely. And I also .... As Mother has said that the fate of the other party that of the father, I think Sirius's is that it is a person of destiny for me. I do not forget the still that night for his kidnapping me, pounding to become a warm feeling every time the recall. Anyway crazy about Sirius's also curiously on their own, it would chase nature and eye. I wonder if Mother also of ...... was this feeling? Now is the same adventurer and mother-like, are you traveling with Sirius's us. What destination is trying to grave of the mother-like though it Adorodo continent, I was me closer to this village. Please with peace of mind because it is with such friendly people. It I also grew stronger, everyone is because the more strong. "...... Paddle greeting is over lease?" "Yes. So I need your help," In ", first it is from me. Nice to meet Laura, My name is Emilia. Reese was the best friend for me over ...... "on you First referral from Emilia began, but ... you really shy Toka's the best of friends. It's my way. I heard that my people will be embarrassed Emilia of introduction is the end, followed by Reus came out before. "Do the following is my. Well, Nice to meet you, you say I sister of the brother of Reus. The lease sister has always helped," Reus also says just the same way that I get embarrassed and Emilia. Emilia however, unlike, I that have leaked that the Toka's gluttony really embarrassing. I do not even do not know to talk about the day-to-day, little and not give in punishment later. Emilia has also nodded to, feel free to do it seems. "On!" Do not, I forgot that of Hokuto. I look might be scary, it's a wolf to become a dependable and cute and very strongly. And a very pleasant feel when touched, I wonder I wanted to taste all means Mother. And finally my ....... "Nice to meet Laura. My name is said that Sirius, but those who are entrusted to your daughter." ...... There? But words'm ordinary, Mr. Sirius atmosphere is a little different. Do you say that to decide the resolution, it has been staring at the Mother of the grave with a serious face. "Now ours is going around the world along with the lease. But you do not need to worry. You are fair lease is a daughter I please be assured that protects always is," the moment I heard the words, my face I see that was dyed bright red. What is really hot ...... face trying. Kana than it what things for? Was like listed in the book of the story, Pu ...... Proportional ....... "The lease sister okay?'ll Face all red," "I of course Once Oh said to Sirius like. It is manly, Sirius-like" "is Uhh ......" is a mother-like ...... this is my companion. Is surrounded by the love of people and the best of the best friends, we send every day was really fun and fulfilling. So do not worry, please watching over us. Someday to get married, to show the grandson of the mother-like over ...... Nante, Do a little or not early care? Ehehe Yeah ..., I now to forget. But ...... someday. Then I did not go away for a while flushing of the face, it was one filled with happy feelings. --- Sirius --- I who grave of Laura has been completed is the mother of the lease, it resumed journey immediately after night in the village. I few days was good to stay because it is the hometown of the lease, but is this more because I blame journey of late in and sorry the lease came to say. Since it is not a trip rush, but there is a place where I think a lot, decided to accept a kind offer of the lease. Then finished the movement of a few days, I we had arrived in the port city where there is regular flights to Adorodo continent. Are full of lively there still only port city, the ours is entrusted coach finished the inn of check-in, I was walking the town while attracting attention in Hokuto. By the way, one in which the beast's wolf that fell down here and there was also familiar are you. While ridicule the store, where the came to visit to harbor a number of boats lined up, I have been here for the face and the Reus was troubled expression. "Hey big brother, horse-drawn carriage What about you? Small boat will not ride 's" "That's right. It already seems our house, going place is not pilfering" "Is the are of course thinking. Hey, look at this on everyone, " " Oh, it's my sister like ...... " is a single letter of introduction of I took out. This have been pressed mark that modeled the country chapter of Elysium, seems to put to me stuff ...... preferentially to the ship if Misere. After consultation beforehand, thing that Riferu princess and the car Diaz told me to prepare and pop. "If Misere the guy, but so can ride in a large ship carriage even be put on. It's courtesy of the royal family, do not hesitate to use to try and get to" Do it "truly Rife sister. I tried to think of it, the first time it is to ride on the ship Do not ours? " " Well, a little bit I'm looking forward to, " I move when I met Fear and Raioru, because I have across came in from the sky. That It's kind of like the tricks, but not step into a full-fledged foot to Adorodo continent what now. As it is a walk for a while the harbor, I began to negotiate letter of introduction one hand you find a big ship that national emblem of Elysium was Zora. Result ...... unceremoniously permission is down. It seems to have been waiting for ours to come rather. You match the feature had heard ", you do not doubt in the Sirius-like. I've been waiting for you. Since the request in person is coming from Elysium King, we will give you carry to the Adorodo responsibly I " " something ...... I'm sorry " lease had apologized to the captain in a small voice. Relatives is was like elaborate screw assertive, I must have thought that there is no excuse. Starting'm so in tomorrow morning, horse-drawn carriage can also be placed as soon as me have to at that time. "You guys to put the ship and従魔the heck, it - how do you like the horse-drawn carriage is a single ...... and. The size and weight of the horse-drawn carriage?" "It is made ​​of iron, not nearly the same as a normal horse-drawn carriage. Worst , so you float on water if fitted with a tool called float, all right or the "if towed by ship " ...... is what horse-drawn carriage or it? Well, because it is well anyway problem is unlikely, please come again tomorrow morning. " "Okay. Then, if I have heard that ours features?" "While the cloak is above all of the evidence, I is written to this that arrived earlier" in the letter that we saw from the captain it is, certainly, but I our feature was written is such a feeling to summarize .... Man of black hair that big wolf take, have a silver wolf group two people in servant. And the blue shining hair than the sea, it is written with a woman ...... that combines tolerance and compassion suitable to saint. Although not wrong has been referred to as the saint, this is a little want to think I'm what about. Since the character of the place that is solid praise the lease other and different, perhaps Riferu princess or car Diaz seems to have written its own. Either white lease changes to be faced head instead, it is needless to say she wrote a letter that contains the protest from the back to the inn and the recent report. The next morning. To the Garganta Chamber of Commerce of the branch from and ask them to deliver a letter to the Elysium, a ship carrying the ours and horse-drawn carriages had embarked to the sea. The weather in drenched pleasant sunshine in fine weather, I had a leisurely look at the ocean while feeling the sea breeze caught the railing of the ship. "Uhyo'! Best's it!" At the top of the large mast towering in the middle of the ship, Reus was with glee lot while out loud. But are Niodachi in an unstable place with no safe rope, Surely the case a problem if Reus of the sense of balance. Hokuto is basking in the sun and camped a corner of the deck. Since the ship is also a regular flight, but other passengers and sailors are towards the interesting line of sight likely to to Hokuto, it would not touch ~ with a barge still afraid or anyone. It is hair in the wind is disturbed, I If you do not give to the brushing later. Lease stood next to me, I felt the wind down comfortably to Shut your eyes. Blue hair lease figure fluttering in the wind is clean, it had fascinated only a little. I wonder if taking this scene in the photo, not you to death in agony If she sent to her father and sister. Lease there was a line of sight and I are thinking such a stupid thing, it has been hit the question by hitting the hand as remembered something. "I I heard from Speaking of Father, I've heard that people who ride for the first time a ship according to the disease called seasickness. We Will that okay?" "It will not sense me feeling bad at the moment? to begin with seasickness and hard ...... " to explain briefly, but the symptoms that occur in equilibrium sense or crazy by the swaying of the ship and seasickness. Since my disciples are trained even its sense of equilibrium, it can become seasick is going extremely small. Lease to my description had nodded many times while increasing the voice of admiration. Even so, really greedy child with respect to the disease and treatment. 's A master of magic treatment, might become a doctor that wins the name all over the world If you continue to learn this while. If she does not know whether the aim of it, but not Yara to cheer at full When you have found the target. "...... Well, you will study. Nara Emilia I'd like different" "Emilia either. Certainly state is Do not funny," I "right. A tone is evil likely from aboard the ship, said to be somewhat hazy I do ...... you know, still there in " Emilia on the side of the opposite railing and ours stood. Even though it has already been waiting my immediate near if always, today continues to look at the hazy and the sea away from me. Because we drifted melancholy in the back, I stood away from the lease next to the Emilia. Behind the scenes are taking guts pose and work hard the lease. "Oh ...... Sirius-like" "How the Emilia, Is not out of sorts," "such a thing is over ...... No, it's right. Actually, I have thought that he is pathetic," or I can ask let "reason ? " Emilia and quietly nodded, then started to talk about the trickle down while looking at the horizon. "Now we

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